You heard the one about the New York writer, moved to the Kaintuck hill country for some solitude in which to write his next novel?
He's been there for about 3 months, just going into the nearest town with a gen'ral store to restock, when he hears a knock on the door. Answering it, he finds a "son of the Hills" who says "Wayull, I's jes bein nayberly and stopped by fer to invite ya to a shindig up by my place, come Friday." Writer says that's great, I been cooped up in here for awhile and could use a little distraction.
Hillwilliam "Don't wanta alarm ya, but they may be some drankin' " Guy says "Hey I'm a writer, that's what we do"
HillWilliam - Don't wanta alarm ya, but there may be some fightin after all that drankin
Writer - That doesn't bother me, I was Golden Gloves in college and I can take care of myself in a scuffle
HillWilliam - Don't wanta alarm ya, but after that fightin, there may be some fornicatin' going on
Writer - Hey fine with me, I been up here a LONG time by myself
HillWilliam - Well alrighty then, I'll see y'all on bout suppertime on Friday
Writer - Well I've never been to a party in this neck of the woods before, what should I wear?
HillWilliam - Aw shoot it don't much matter, jist gonna be you and me....