Double Bass What do we Talkbass Doublebassists all look like? (Part II)


Just got this sent to me today. From an outdoor festival I played about a year ago. Techno gig with 2 basses, myself and a guy playing distorted Fender Bass. Crazy pink shirt there. Rare gig where I could use my old stogie stage prop again. Can't smoke like that anywhere anymore.

You heard the one about the New York writer, moved to the Kaintuck hill country for some solitude in which to write his next novel?

He's been there for about 3 months, just going into the nearest town with a gen'ral store to restock, when he hears a knock on the door. Answering it, he finds a "son of the Hills" who says "Wayull, I's jes bein nayberly and stopped by fer to invite ya to a shindig up by my place, come Friday." Writer says that's great, I been cooped up in here for awhile and could use a little distraction.
Hillwilliam "Don't wanta alarm ya, but they may be some drankin' " Guy says "Hey I'm a writer, that's what we do"
HillWilliam - Don't wanta alarm ya, but there may be some fightin after all that drankin
Writer - That doesn't bother me, I was Golden Gloves in college and I can take care of myself in a scuffle
HillWilliam - Don't wanta alarm ya, but after that fightin, there may be some fornicatin' going on
Writer - Hey fine with me, I been up here a LONG time by myself
HillWilliam - Well alrighty then, I'll see y'all on bout suppertime on Friday
Writer - Well I've never been to a party in this neck of the woods before, what should I wear?
HillWilliam - Aw shoot it don't much matter, jist gonna be you and me....