What does Scottsbasslessons cost?

$25/month, or $168/year.

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I'm sure there will be deals on again. I'm planning on joining sometime this year when a good deal pops up. I saw a good deal like that last year and passed on it, I was just too busy gigging. This year they are intentionally slower, and I'm giving myself more time between gigs to live again like a normal human. Part of that will be taking lessons again to push myself into a better place regarding theory. I've actually have weekends off since the start of the year, and I like it!

My first gig with the new band will be in June 1, and will be here before I know it.
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I flirted with this for years before I finally got a job that could justify the expense of an annual deal.

Those who’ve done this, do you think he’s worth the cash? The bits and pieces I’ve seen for free really clicked with how I understand the instrument, and honestly I just find the guy super frickin’ charming, but I mean... does the whole package really help in a meaningful way?

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I flirted with this for years before I finally got a job that could justify the expense of an annual deal.

Those who’ve done this, do you think he’s worth the cash? The bits and pieces I’ve seen for free really clicked with how I understand the instrument, and honestly I just find the guy super frickin’ charming, but I mean... does the whole package really help in a meaningful way?

I find it does. The overall program sometimes get a little sideways, but he's always posting new content and most of his presenters are top notch. There are a couple that don't present well to me (personal styles), but I'm not at all sorry I've been using SBL for a couple of years. Some of the material is well below my skills (reading,theory) and some of it is well beyond my playing ability but there is something for just about anyone.

It's not just lessons and tips - he also interviews people regarding industry situations to give us amateurs perspective on how pros manage the "business" of being a musician (approaches to studio time, "how I got here", how to set up a bass, bass manufacturers, etc) which I find very interesting.

He can be a little goofy sometimes (what you call charming I suppose), and can sometimes take a bit too long to get to a point because of his shenanigans, but I don't think I've ever heard him say something that I disagreed with. Scott is very good about being sure to present that "his way" is not the "only way" on a lot of subjects (plucking hand techniques is a strong example) and will do his best to demonstrate alternative methods when he can.

I think one of my favorite features is the one where he reviews submitted videos of members asking for help and shares them all with everyone. It does get a little tedious sometimes, and there are few regular, self-indulgent participants who I think get off on getting to play for 3 minutes on the internet and just looking for Scott's easy to come compliments, but overall it's a great way to learn from other's questions. Someday I'll figure out how to record myself and actually get some tips on a couple of my specific long time issues.

There is a lot you can get from him just from what he releases on YouTube (that's how I discovered him), but there is a lot more for subscribers. Yes, for me - a long time musician with 3.5+ years of bass under my belt - it is worth it.
Does this have value for someone literally just picking up a bass for the first time, or should there be some fundamentals in place before lesson systems such as this become worth it?
Very valuable to a newb providing you use the courses the right order. He has lessons that start out as basic as "how to hold the bass" and "how to make a sound".

If you try to move through things too fast, you could get very overwhelmed very easily, but if you walk through his lessons at the right pace for you, it's a very good resource, especially if you take advantage of his "Student Focus" feature, where people submit videos of themselves looking for evaluation or are struggling with a concept.

Probably not as good as private lessons, but definitely worth the money if private lessons don't fit your style.
Every so often I get an email from him about a new master class and it will mention $50 off the yearly membership. I've seen it come across my email a few times. I'm not a member but I don't think you can go wrong with his money back guarantee if you don't like it. I enjoy him interviewing the other pros.