Thanks! That's a reasonable price, why not have it on the front page?
Because it’s the trick some businesses use to deliberately not answer a customer’s questions about the price until the last possible moment. And only after endlessly extolling the virtues of what they’re selling priir to doing so.
In the sales world it’s a technique that’s referred to as: “Selling the sizzle - not the steak.”
It’s an old-school ‘hard sell’ tactic that’s designed to first get the customer to agree as to the value of what you’re selling; second, to get them to acknowledge that they could benefit greatly from buying it; and third, to admit they want it.
Once you’ve gotten the customer to “buy in” they’re under pressured to actually make the purchase. Because if they don’t buy the product after acknowledging that it: (a) is valuable, (b) meets their needs, and (c) they want it, then it can only mean one of two things - the customer is either too cheap to buy it - or they’re too poor to afford it. That or they’re just plain stupid. Any of tjose conclusiond are a potential blow to most customer’s sense of self-esteem. Which makes withholding price information about as blatant an attempt to twist someone’s arm as it gets.
It usually goes hand in hand with yet another sales adage that says: “If your customer thinks they can’t afford it, then you haven’t adequately sold them on the benefits of your product yet.”
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