What's On Your Workbench?


Lol yes that is my workbench!
It all looks amazing guys drool

@MrArose13 -
Digging how those SC shapes reflect your usual body design. Very cool.
Do you have a frontal pic?

Wraub, the best I got is a bit old but you asked... with one extra, you know how I like my laminates ;)


image.jpeg This is my P/J mash-up. 3 piece maple Precision(ish) body, slant-mounted Jazz pups (Amazon cheapsters), jazz neck from a bass that I'm not sure the make of, series-parallel wiring with the front pot being a push-pull pot. I've done the body with hand tools. My first build. It's not perfect, but it's mine and I'm proud of it.
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This is my P/J mash-up. 3 piece maple body, slant-mounted Jazz pups (Amazon cheapsters), jazz neck from a bass that I'm not sure the make of, series-parallel wiring with the front pot being a push-pull pot. I've done the body with hand tools. My first build. It's not perfect, but it's mine and I'm proud of it.

As well you should be. It looks great!
I also have this one that has been sitting in a gig bag for months just waiting on me to level up a few frets. I get like this sometimes on builds where it does not tickle my fancy anymore and the bass will sit. The bass looks amazing and these pics are old, I have add a battery box on the back and it now has black knobs. Looks killer and is light as a feather but something about it, has me letting it sit around for no real reason. I guess it is because I started the above build that has got me all pumped on wanting to finish it instead. The joys of an OCD/ADD/indecisive brain! You should see me trying to decide on lunch :)! After posting this pic, I think I will get off my duff and finish it, so at least if it is going to sit in a gig bad, it should at least be finished.
In an effort to work on as many projects as humanly possible, all at the same time, I've begun another build.

Body glue-up. All ash, three pieces.


Out of the clamps.


Template taped on.


Halfway there.


Cutting done.


Yeah, it's a Strat. I'm trying to recapture the Strat I had in my youth. You can almost see it here in this washed out photo.


Hardtail, all natural, ash body, maple fingerboard. I had to special order it. For some reason, in the 70's, everyone wanted a Strat with a whammy bar that made the guitar impossible to tune, and keep in tune.

That's my college apartment, by the way. Roger Dean posters, tapestries, musical instruments - those were the days...

You might also just be able to see that band poster for the "Joss party" - drinks were 25 cents. Ah the 70's.