Where is a high pass filter the most effective in the signal chain?

@Eric Mull It's all personal preference in the end, but I have the HPF second-last in chain, followed by a compressor/limiter at the end. So we clearly aren't doing it the same! I figure that a lot of the stuff in my board has a chance of increasing low end frequencies, so having a way to round them off towards the end of chain means I don't have to sweat it if the bass/sub frequencies get a little boosted up-stream.

I tend to run it anywhere b/w 40-80Hz, depending on where I'm playing; I find it's very effective at compensating for boomy rooms.
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Reviving this old thread. I just purchased the Broughton always on and I'm trying to figure out where to use it as well.

I'm gathering that I probably want it right after my tuner since for me it goes tuner > compressor > drop pedal > overdrive > Sansamp VT Bass DI > Amp.

Of the people using it early in the chain, what frequency do you have it set at?

Before the comp. I don’t know about the freq setting…I just roll it until it sounds good. Does it even have labeling?!? I never looked.

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Reviving this old thread. I just purchased the Broughton always on and I'm trying to figure out where to use it as well.

I'm gathering that I probably want it right after my tuner since for me it goes tuner > compressor > drop pedal > overdrive > Sansamp VT Bass DI > Amp.

Of the people using it early in the chain, what frequency do you have it set at?

In case I had your signal chain, I would put HPF before compressor...
Mine is last on my board, especially after an eq pedal that I only use as a slap contour.
I've been hard on speakers, and one of my amps already has a hpf while my other two amps don't. So I turn my Broughton off when using the one amp as the amp designer said we shouldn't need to use another hpf.
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