Which late 70s/early 80s lawsuit era Japanese precision clones had the best pickups?

I had a Tokai Hardpuncher that was a killer P but the pickups were some ghastly Jackson something or another (maybe not the original ones, I don't know). I seriously regret letting that bass go--were it today I'd pop some Fralins in there and be a happy camper.
Another one worth mentioning, I had an early 70s Ibanez Les Paul bass that was a beauty with some personality.

Black, mop blocks and white binding, bolt-on neck. Heavy as fu*k but played like butter and sounded really tasty live.

A similar one found online:

I have an ESP part sP- bass. Before they started making their own designs, (which is what they are know for today), they made dead accurate reproductions of Pre-CBS fender parts. Stuyvesant Music on 48th street put them together and sold full instruments under the Guitarman label. Side note Ken Parker was running their repair shop in those days.

I once took that bass into Jimmy Coppolo's shop for a set up and he tried to convince me to sell it to him. Everything about it including the pickups is stellar!