As far as the earlier, small horizontal cab?
Scores of teen garage bands and unknown club outfits,
and pros, from rock to R&B/soul to country to blues…fast forward to 3:04 for an example…
Or this…
The video is pretty mangled, but trust me, it’s there…
(even back then, kids on their damned phones)
An American soul singer in Britain, Geno Washington and the Ram Jam band…
View attachment 4371981
…and hang ten…
Yeah, woefully inadequate, but that’s what you had to deal with, especially on a budget. Even after Fender enlarged the cabinet and made it upright, many bassists opted for using the Fender Showman with higher wattage and 15” speakers. Norm Sundholm, bassist for The Kingsmen, of “Louie Louie” fame, found his rig getting drowned out as crowds got bigger because of the hit. He mentioned the situation to his technically minded brother, who suggested putting in JBL speakers, which helped a little bit, but not entirely. Then Conrad came up with using Dynaco hi-fi power amps. Piece by piece, the Bassman was replaced, which led to the founding of Sunn amplifiers.