Who wants to try these? Frosted Maple Bacon Pop Tarts.

I think they might be ok, only if you dipped them in some nice strong french onion dip first! :eek::vomit:
I recommend that you read the ingredients, (and country of origin) of anything you ingest. Google any of the ingredients you dont recognize as actual food items. Much of what you will find for sale in a grocery store is not actually food, but engineered food-like combinations of cheap, high-profit, low nutrition substances that are not healthy. I have been a vegetarian for over twenty years. I have not had so much as the sniffles, for almost the same amount of time, (which I attribute to having a properly functioning immune system). I am sixty years old, and when I tell people that, they are amazed, and tell me that they would guess me to be in my early fifties. Good nutrition, and simple, real foods taste far better to me than all the prepared mixtures of corn sweetener, and dubious chemical additives anyway. If a food item package label lists more than a dozen ingredients, there is a good chance that it is not good for your body. The fossil fuels required to grow cattle are polluting our planet to the tune of ten times the cost per calorie of plant protein that provides calories with virtually no detrimental health side effects. Visit a veal farm operation, a chicken factory, a sausage plant, or slaughter house, and see what goes into your food sometime. I used to love fried chicken. But, chickens are fed hormones, and antibiotics, (as well as chicken manure, and arsenic), and the entire food animal industry uses so much antibiotics that the strains of bacteria, and viruses evolve to resist antibiotics rapidly, resulting in untreatable infections in humans. I used to eat fried chicken, bratwurst, and New York strip steaks on the grill. I lost thirty pounds after I changed my eating habits. I feel better, and the foods I eat taste delicious. Now, if I could just give up the German beer, and Irish whisky, I would really be healthy, ill get off my soapbox now, and go have some beans, and spinach.
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lol food-like foodstuff. i think ill pass...

If they were truthful about what they're selling you to eat, they'd have this on the box.


I used to think people were crazy for eating this kind of thing. Now I think they just can't see outside the box, or the advertising. And they don't believe this is precisely why 80% (or more) of people over 50 in the US are on some sort of pharmaceuticals, and/or overweight. That stuff just ain't food, and we're not supposed to be eating it.
Mmmmm, Bacon.

Just the other day I was playing Bacon-opoly with some friends and they served these
Maple Bacon Pop Tarts but they were even more flavorful as our gracious host quickly deep fried them in
Hot Belly Bacon Grease instead of toasting them. And, of course we washed it down with some Maple Bacon coffee
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