Winter 2017 Build Off - Challenge yourself


Why do we use base 10 when we only have 8 fingers
Supporting Member
Oct 22, 2013
Sugar Creek, Wisc
Here we go

Winter build off - Challenge Yourself

For this build off you are asked to build a bass in a way you haven't done in the past. Some of the possible challenges you could give yourself are create a new design, use different materials, or use different building practices. You can create one, two, three, or many challenges for yourself.

To enter the challenge, simply start a new thread using "Winter 2017 Build Off" as part of your title, and start building. In your initial post, please indicate the challenge(s) you have chosen to face.

I ask that you please put a link to your build back to this thread so we have a central reference point for all of those that wish to participate

The end will be March 20th 2017

You can join when you have time , and you can enter as often as you like.

List of contestants

1) HaMMerHeD Winter 2017 Build Off - Khazâd V
2) Scoops - Winter 2017 Build Off - Claro
3) gsnad2000 Winter 2017 Build Off - Mystery Bass (winter themed)
4) Jisch - Winter Challenge - Wing Bass
5) Will_White - Winter 2017 Build-Off: EUBC
6) mapleglo - Winter 2017 Build Off - Speak of the Devil
7) rojo412 - Winter 2017 Build-Off: Project 2
8) Beej - Winter 2017 Build Off - Vintagey Bass
9) moonshinegtrs - Winter 2017 Build Off- Moonshine EURB
10) Rôckhewer - Winter 2017 build-off - Homage to Devastator: "Arachnophilia"
11) I-Am-The-Slime - Winter 2017 Build Off - First scratch build: walnut, maple and purpleheart sandwich
12) lbridenstine - Winter 2017 Build Off - Padauk Single Cut
13) MPUWinter 2017 Build Off – Carbon headless bass
14) SLivinghouse - Winter 2017 Build Off - First Build - 5 string Fretless Short Scale
15) PDX Rich - Winter 2017 Build Off - Rose 4
16) yoshi - Winter 2017 build off - 6 string fretless headless fibre optic Yoshibass #3
17) shai-ga Winter 2017 Build Off - Thin Slicer
18) Scoops - Winter 2017 Build Off - Flamed Claro
19) Jon Clegg - Winter 2017 Build Off -- The Dan-0-Backer

20) Sharp5 - The Flame - 4 string Jazz Bass
21) Hopkins - Winter Build Off Fanned Fret, Light Wave
22) Jio - Winter 2017 Build Off - TeiscoT40bird

I'm lining up prizes. So far I have the follow that indicted they will be contributing to the Prize Vault
Talk Bass
Stew Mac
Best Bass Gear
Lollar Pickups

Fine print
Please note that this Build Off is being run independently, with NO SPONSORSHIP.

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Question - at what point do we determine the "start" of a build. I am in the process of building a bass that I've never done before, but I'm still in the planning phase. No saw dust yet. The Devil bass. Am I able to enter it, or would I have to start one from scratch to enter the contest?
Question - at what point do we determine the "start" of a build. I am in the process of building a bass that I've never done before, but I'm still in the planning phase. No saw dust yet. The Devil bass. Am I able to enter it, or would I have to start one from scratch to enter the contest?

Come on in, the water is fine.
Please enter....the more the merrier
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Question - at what point do we determine the "start" of a build. I am in the process of building a bass that I've never done before, but I'm still in the planning phase. No saw dust yet. The Devil bass. Am I able to enter it, or would I have to start one from scratch to enter the contest?

I would say putting tools to wood constitutes the start of a build.
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Do we have to have it completed by March 20th 2017? I have 3 commissioned builds I'm doing now but I would love start one and enter it...

We'll put the instruments up for for voting March 23rd. If you not done, you can still put it up for vote, but you may loose votes because you are not done
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Is it ok if the "wood" is made just before Christmas? I have carbon parts curing at home and waiting for parts to arrive. Can I join in?

Interesting fine line you present.

To me, creating forms for a curing process, is in my opinion, cutting "wood".
I'm split on this I'll divert to the rest of the participants...Thoughts?