Well it's been a little while and things are progressing slowly. Some parts should be arriving this week, and I should see some paint on the bass before the weekend. I wish I had more time to dedicate to it, but for now, it's just a few minutes on late nights and the odd stretch of a couple or three hours on Sundays. Not complainin'... just sayin'...
I started on the neck pocket and then realized it would be easiest to route the roundover before the pocket, so hence the forstner holes there. This is the body cut out and the edges sanded smooth and vertical in preparation for the 1/2" roundover.
And the roundover itself on the front here. I'd forgotten how nicely poplar machines with power tools. Smooth and clean with no tearout.
The back as well. Despite the screws around the edges to hold the back plate to the core, it moved a little and the centreline is off about 2mm at the pocket end of the bass. Won't matter on this one since it's getting painted anyway.
Next up are the pocket routs, electronics access and jack routs. Then sanding, epoxy, more sanding, priming, sanding, painting, sanding, painting, sanding, painting, sanding, clearcoating, sanding, clearcoating, sanding, etcetera until my arms fall off.
I also have some pics of the neck process but that can wait for the next installment...