Winter Build Off 2023: Get Ready


Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2007
Vancouver Island
Hi all, it's long overdue that we talk some winter build off!

Event: Winter Build Off 2023
Dates: 1600h PST (UTC -8) Wednesday, December 21, 2022 to 1600h PST (UTC -8) Monday, March 20, 2023
Theme: Let Your Nerd Flag Fly

A few ide'ers were floated about recently and the winner was Let Your Nerd Flag Fly. Inspired by Sci-Fi, Fantasy, high-tech and various areas of nerd-dom.

  • Entrants declare their entry by posting a build thread in which to showcase their build.
  • Each build thread starts with a "pile of wood/parts" pic.
  • Multiple entries in the same or different categories is permitted (and encouraged! :woot: )
  • Entrants can enter anytime before the build off end date (in other words, late entries are permitted).
  • Entrants indicate which type of build they are doing in their build thread.
  • Scratch Builds must be built from scratch from dimensioned lumber.
    • Dimensioned lumber includes: Billets, 1-pce neck blanks, matched tops, stringers, thin laminates, veneers, fingerboards, pre-slotted/radiused fretboards, etc.
    • Scratch builds must not have any components glued up or cut out prior to the start. Built components must have their build process pictorially included in the entry thread.
    • Minimum diameter for lowest pitch string is 0.084".
  • Partial Builds must identify all components used and explain what is built and what is bought.
    • All built parts must have their build process pictorially included in the entry thread.
    • Minimum diameter for lowest pitch string is 0.084".
  • Assembly Builds must identify all components used.
    • All modified parts used must have their modification process pictorially included in the entry thread.
    • Minimum diameter for lowest pitch string is 0.084".
  • Non-Bass Builds includes musical instrument builds that would be excluded from the bass Build Off categories.
    • Examples include: guitar, shamisen, lute, mandolin, other non-bass instrument builds, or bass-related builds that do not have fat strings (as per the 0.084" minimum lowest string thickness rule), etc.
    • Instruments may be stringed or use other means to generate sound but must be capable of generating sounds.
Any questions may be posted here or PM me.

Please feel free to discuss the build off here, there will be a separate announcement thread on December 21 that will officially start the build off.

Happy planning! :)
Here's an old post of mine about the history of the build offs here in the LC:
A Build Off History in Brief:
While there have been a few build-offs that have taken place in the Luthier's Corner going back a decade and a half, the regular winter build offs didn't appear until @Scoops started "project managing" them starting with the first Winter Build Off "Challenge Yourself" in 2017. His professional day job of project manager meant he had the skills and ability to create a package and carry it out, making for a lot of fun and entertainment along the way.

Including that first one, there have been five winter build-offs, each with a different theme and participants, however the basic structure has remained the same. In 2020 due to the "special" nature of the effects of the pandemic on humanity, there was also a "Special Edition" build off held in the spring. For a number of reasons that definitely don't need to be discussed publicly, the 2021 Winter Build Off was held over on TDPRI. I've included that link in the build thread list below. If you absolutely must know my perspective on what happened, PM me as I won't discuss it openly. :D

Since we are here in the summer and I'm itching to start things, I've tried reaching out to @Scoops to see where things are at, but I've not heard from him and there's been no site activity since the spring, so here we are. When he comes back and builds another incredible bass, I'm happy to either turn over the reins to this build off or carry on as needed, but in the meantime, let's plan for a Winter Build Off!

For your bass-build-addiction viewing pleasure, here are all previous build off threads (planning, entry and voting) in order of appearance:
Winter 2017 Build Off - Challenge yourself
Winter 2017 Bass Build off - Voting Final
Winter Build off 2018 - Walnut Free For All - Get Ready!
Winter Build Off 2018 - Walnut Free For All
Winter Build off 2018 Voting
Winter Build off - Mash Up - Get Ready
Winter build Off 2019 – Mash Up
Winter Buildoff 2019 Voting - Final
Winter Build Off 2020 - Get Ready
Winter Build Off 2020 - Air Space
Winter Build Off 2020 - Final
Special Edition Build off - Build em if ya got em - Get Ready
Special Edition Build off - Build em if ya got em
Special Edition Voting - Finish that stalled build
Special Edition Voting - Builds a Parts bass
Special Edition Voting - New from Scratch
Special Edition Voting - Finish that stalled build
Special Edition Voting - Builds a Parts bass
Special Edition Build off "Finals" Voting - Completed
Special Edition 18th place Winners
Winter Buildoff 2021 - 5
I plan on finishing my Summer Build off acoustic at some point. It will be pretty nerdy itself, but I can definitely geek out attempting a true Nerd Build.
My favorite Sci-Fi and Fantasy of 2022 were mostly revisits of Classics. I re-read all of Tolkien and Herbert, and really enjoyed an excellent new Sci-Fi book “Pattern Black” by Johnny Truant. I’m also enjoying Andor on TV. It’s going to tough to choose something to focus on.
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Reactions: Reedt2000 and Beej
8 more weeks. I'm not sure I can wait that long. I've had an idea brewing since the summer and I'm just itching to get cracking.
Right there with ya. :D

I spend time carefully dimensioning all of my raw lumber in preparation for the build. I get all my neck laminates ready to go, cut the boards and mill body pieces to final spec, make any templates, fixtures or jigs needed for the build, purchase and categorize all parts, prepare the workspace, gather all of the building and finishing supplies, etc and by then it's usually time. :woot: