Hi all, it's long overdue that we talk some winter build off!
Event: Winter Build Off 2023
Dates: 1600h PST (UTC -8) Wednesday, December 21, 2022 to 1600h PST (UTC -8) Monday, March 20, 2023
Theme: Let Your Nerd Flag Fly
A few ide'ers were floated about recently and the winner was Let Your Nerd Flag Fly. Inspired by Sci-Fi, Fantasy, high-tech and various areas of nerd-dom.
Please feel free to discuss the build off here, there will be a separate announcement thread on December 21 that will officially start the build off.
Happy planning!
Event: Winter Build Off 2023
Dates: 1600h PST (UTC -8) Wednesday, December 21, 2022 to 1600h PST (UTC -8) Monday, March 20, 2023
Theme: Let Your Nerd Flag Fly
A few ide'ers were floated about recently and the winner was Let Your Nerd Flag Fly. Inspired by Sci-Fi, Fantasy, high-tech and various areas of nerd-dom.
- Entrants declare their entry by posting a build thread in which to showcase their build.
- Each build thread starts with a "pile of wood/parts" pic.
- Multiple entries in the same or different categories is permitted (and encouraged! )
- Entrants can enter anytime before the build off end date (in other words, late entries are permitted).
- Entrants indicate which type of build they are doing in their build thread.
- Scratch Builds must be built from scratch from dimensioned lumber.
- Dimensioned lumber includes: Billets, 1-pce neck blanks, matched tops, stringers, thin laminates, veneers, fingerboards, pre-slotted/radiused fretboards, etc.
- Scratch builds must not have any components glued up or cut out prior to the start. Built components must have their build process pictorially included in the entry thread.
- Minimum diameter for lowest pitch string is 0.084".
- Partial Builds must identify all components used and explain what is built and what is bought.
- All built parts must have their build process pictorially included in the entry thread.
- Minimum diameter for lowest pitch string is 0.084".
- Assembly Builds must identify all components used.
- All modified parts used must have their modification process pictorially included in the entry thread.
- Minimum diameter for lowest pitch string is 0.084".
- Non-Bass Builds includes musical instrument builds that would be excluded from the bass Build Off categories.
- Examples include: guitar, shamisen, lute, mandolin, other non-bass instrument builds, or bass-related builds that do not have fat strings (as per the 0.084" minimum lowest string thickness rule), etc.
- Instruments may be stringed or use other means to generate sound but must be capable of generating sounds.
Please feel free to discuss the build off here, there will be a separate announcement thread on December 21 that will officially start the build off.
Happy planning!