You can still get the parts you need to fix that power amp.
If you are qualified and ambitious enough to perform the rebuild...
I have found that it's most efficient to depopulate the entire board, test all components to see what got fried (to get a sense of what could have went wrong), repair/bridge any damaged traces and then reassemble the power amp with new replacement parts purchased from reputable suppliers (Mouser, Digikey, Newark, etc.). Since most of the parts are cheap, you are best off just rebuilding the amp with new parts instead of reusing anything and risk frying your expensive new power transistors. Get yourself some ChipQuik, flux, a really good desoldering pump and desoldering braid to minimize the risk of damaging pads and traces with your soldering iron while removing the old parts.
Digikey still has authentic 2SC3856's in stock.
For the 2SA1492, the only supplier with Sanken verified parts is in japan:
Online Sales Check Stock |Sanken Electric
You can find a copy of the schematic on Electrotanya:
Elektrotanya for electronics experts
Economically, this is probably not the best option, but if you really are dead set on fixing the amp....good luck!