I use a PF Chang's chopstick, as they are made of bamboo are pretty strong, light and easy to carry. Plus it won't damage your board or pedals.I use 3M Dual Lock 250/250,..... I use a small Stanley pry bar to disengage the pedal.
Shameless cross-post here from something I posted elsewhere yesterday but seems like the right audience:
Heads up Dual Lock users - figured this is as good a place as any for this -
Was running low on Dual Lock, not enough for the new mini board, so picked some up at the local hardware store, and, from Amazon.
Found both to be really sticky, like to the point where I didn't want it on my board even though I need it for a gig this week.
The stickiness is on the sides, not the flat areas. Really sticky, like it was melting, or like when some plastic products degrade.
Before returning it, compared it with my remaining stock, which is at least a year or two old, not sticky at all. Went to anther hardware store and their stock was the same in varying degrees.
Been using Double Lock over 5 years over 3 or 4 purchases, it was never like this.
At first I thought it was the change in product, from the white backing tape which is the only thing I found in stores, to the newer clear backing tape, but the Amazon order was the white kind.
Contacting 3M CS to get their response.
Any recent buyers of 3M seeing this?