For a while now I’ve been recording at home, using a small Zoom R8 recorder and interface.
It has a good selection of drums, and a choice of kit sounds and rhythms.
The Bass guitar effects are excellent – my favourite being the Ampeg SVT setting (gloriously fat!), and lots of EQ options.
Using a Classic Series 50’s Precision Bass, strung with Rotosound flats, I’d been jamming for a few weeks with a bass line I’d come up with – a definite nod to “Come Go With Me” by The Staple Singers, a song which as you know has the most amazing groove all the way through..
Gradually the bass part took on more of a reggae groove, and once I’d added some drums everything came together pretty quickly. The melody line popped into my head – but I needed some help with lyrics (Thanks Roz!).
Thanks to the internet, my good friend Grev added a skanking guitar part, and Michelle Hope came up with a beautiful vocal performance.
I think it worked out well, and I hope you like it.
I have spent many years coming up with lines for other people’s songs – it was a real blast to create from the bottom up!