adding a cabinet to a MarkBass 102P (2x10) rig. MarkBass haters welcome!

I agree, some might not be suitable, & I've heard a few when I was shopping for a cabinet.
The woofers in the MB cab are rated to 4 kHz, and the tweeter is supposed to pick up frequencies from 3.5 kHz.
I think most guitar cabinets don't even have tweeters, so they're managing those high pitches with speakers designed for a max frequency response around 5 kHz.

The ratings can be deceiving, and there is a slew of other things that can pull down the mid range frequencies. Most guitar amps are designed with a cut only mid, which just exasperates the problem.

I've been comparing the freq. responses of various cabinets for the last couple of days & even the bass cabinets generally go up to 4 & 5 kHz.
I find it odd though, since the EQs have bands higher than 4 or 5 kHz.

Once again you have to be careful just comparing the numbers on their own. The way the roll off happens is just as important as when it happens.

Yes, the human ear can hear those frequencies better than the bass frequencies, which is why bass players are doomed to need more power than guitar players to reach the same volume levels.
Nah, you just have to come equipped for the gig. If your guiturd thinks he is playing the big stage, then you either need to explain reality to him, or meet and match his delusions.
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OP, do you ever wonder why you don't see guitar players using Markbass cabinets? Or any bass cabinets?

I assure you there's a damn good reason, a few actually.

If you don't want criticism and only want agreement with your gear decisions, please state that in your original post so that people who know better won't be tempted to reply and actually be helpful.

As to your original question, for bass, I'd simply add another 102P. Plop another horn in there like you did with your first. Your gear will be able to handle pretty much any gig at that point.
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Thanks for reminding me never to post any audio or video again. It's great that some people have such fabulous memories.
I wish there was a delete button for this whole thread.

I've had a hearing test since that & even posted the results.
I just have different taste in what "a little overdrive" is.
25dB dip in hearing at 4kHz probably accounts for that.
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It might also explain why I think some bass cabinets sound fine for guitar. Right now I have one which does, but the other one needs some extreme EQ settings.
Let's face it, I can never be in a band, because my ears aren't good enough.

What has surprised me is learning that Paul Stanley has only one hearing ear & the same goes for Brian Wilson.
I think most guitar cabinets don't even have tweeters...
oh lord, no guitar cabs have tweeters, what a horrible thought! there's nothing up there for electric guitar, it's actually a fairly narrow-band instrument.

What has surprised me is learning that Paul Stanley has only one hearing ear & the same goes for Brian Wilson.
ted nugent as well i think.
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Regarding the Markbass 212 ninja cab, I did buy it.was 680 with 15% off. Not cheap.
I ended up matching it with my Ampeg pf800 and it sounds great.havent had much time with it yet, but clean, definable, 40 lbs. it report more when I spend time with it. I'll try my strat with it, for a guitar opinion .
Was really disappointed with several Ampeg portaflex cabs. Buzz city.
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I brought home an Avatar cabinet for a couple of days, and on that first night I could have sworn it sounded better than the Markbass. The next day, while sober, I compared them again & could hardly tell them apart, with the exception that the Avatar sounded attenuated when playing guitar through it.
So the Avatar went back to Sam Ash.

I would be curious to hear how you think the Strat sounds over the Markbass cabinet.

I went back to using my H&K Tubemeister amp exclusively with my Markbass cabinet.

I'm out. Good luck and all that.

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