I'd like to think I've made a few things reasonably clear about myself by now: I like to loop, I prefer things that are blue, I usually can't afford real food, and I'm cripplingly afraid of sharing my music with other people.
It's almost ironic, I suppose, as perhaps my main motivation as a musician is to have something through which I might actually begin to communicate with other human beings for a change. So, every so often, I take a deep breath and give it a try.
One such venture saw me collaborating with an indie pop-ish one-man-band, on a recording he'd been working on that he insisted needed my bass work to be complete. Though I disagreed, I gave it a shot, and found in the end that I was right: Between questionable arrangement (my bass was competing with the low end of his keyboard) and poorly-matched equipment to say nothing of my vast inexperience in the art of playing actual songs with other flesh-things, I found my contribution fell somewhere between "sort of pointless" and "genuinely harmful to the recording." To that end, I advised that the song would be better off with my bass politely excused from the mix, and depart.
Some weeks later we find ourselves talking about it, and I'm informed that he'd gone and uploaded the song to whichever sites he publishes his music on as-is, with my contributions intact. I cringe, wishing my first sample of publicly-visible bass playing could have actually been something half-decent, but take modest solace in that his stuff doesn't get a tremendous amount of traffic, and carry on with my life.
Tonight I got a text. Apparently a radio station in Ireland took a liking to the song and was now broadcasting it.
... Ever have one of those dreams where you're back in high school and you forgot your homework, and also you're falling out of a plane and you're naked?
It's almost ironic, I suppose, as perhaps my main motivation as a musician is to have something through which I might actually begin to communicate with other human beings for a change. So, every so often, I take a deep breath and give it a try.
One such venture saw me collaborating with an indie pop-ish one-man-band, on a recording he'd been working on that he insisted needed my bass work to be complete. Though I disagreed, I gave it a shot, and found in the end that I was right: Between questionable arrangement (my bass was competing with the low end of his keyboard) and poorly-matched equipment to say nothing of my vast inexperience in the art of playing actual songs with other flesh-things, I found my contribution fell somewhere between "sort of pointless" and "genuinely harmful to the recording." To that end, I advised that the song would be better off with my bass politely excused from the mix, and depart.
Some weeks later we find ourselves talking about it, and I'm informed that he'd gone and uploaded the song to whichever sites he publishes his music on as-is, with my contributions intact. I cringe, wishing my first sample of publicly-visible bass playing could have actually been something half-decent, but take modest solace in that his stuff doesn't get a tremendous amount of traffic, and carry on with my life.
Tonight I got a text. Apparently a radio station in Ireland took a liking to the song and was now broadcasting it.
... Ever have one of those dreams where you're back in high school and you forgot your homework, and also you're falling out of a plane and you're naked?