I'm not a 5ths player . . . but if I were remotely serious about it, I'd get shedding 5ths ASAP. Maybe you should shelve the strings for a couple of years. They'll be fine sitting for a good while, but your 5ths technique needs developing now.
Thanks for encouragement. Honestly, I see 5ths as another flavour or colour pallet. I'm sure there's plenty of work I could do on my playing that would benefit 4ths or 5ths playing. For now, I think I'll shelve it. I can't see a great benefit in swapping at this time. I can always come back to it. What's really cool is the huge number of options we have as player these days. Strings, amps, setups, etc. And then there's the online wisdom that easily available. It's all such a blessing. I wish we had it when I was learning 30 years ago!