This thread is a bit trolly to me ... OP states he hasnt got much experience with pickups but he wants a specific thing based on his own definition of the term “humbucking pickup” which seems to be very rare on the market, rejecting any genuine suggestions from other users ... so what? What does the OP want ? He seems to already know the answer or that the answer, in the end, is not so important ...
Seems to me that you got at lot of misunderstandings, misconceptions and wrong assumptions going for you there.
As I already stated, yes, I know what I want, how else could I ask where to find it and expect to get a decent answer?
The answers I pointed out I couldn't use were the ones which suggested pickups that I specifically stated that I was not interested in, and mind I did not do this to be disrespectful, simply pointing out that it was not what I was looking for and the reason why.
Yes, I do not have a lot of personal experience with different pickups, exactly as I stated, doesn't mean that I haven't read up on different pickup types and what they do though and doesn't mean I haven't enough experience with playing bass and music as such to know what I am looking for.
In short:
Knowing what you are looking for doesn't automatically give you the answer on where to find it, just increase the possibility of someone possibly being able to help you that does know.
Also hard to get your point through when your thread is constantly bombarded with off topic content that calls for a reply, so I understand your confusion about what I want, even if I think I stated it pretty clearly in my first post.
Actually in the midst of all the mess this thread developed into I did get a couple of useful replies which I also thanked for and commented on.
Like this, that actually was exactly the kind of answer I was looking for:
Any true humbucking J pickups around?
Or this, which was not really the answer I was looking for, but still a useful suggestion of possibly achieving what I wanted (the part of the reply that suggests using a preamp):
Any true humbucking J pickups around?