At least 80 dead in attack in Nice, France

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No. These are evil adolescent boys. The same kind that pull the wings off of insects, cram firecrackers down a toad's mouth, and push tombstones over.

Precisiecly. There are forces on both sides of the argument that would have us believe otherwise. This is why I have a hard time digesting the "this is exactly what they want" line. There are only a few among them who know what they want and it has more to do with power than it does propping up their chosen ideology. They're basically just putting food in the mouths, shelter and the promise of a place in heaven to a pack of thugs who are dumb enough to tag along because roving the desert on a Toyota with a machine gun is cooler than trying to feed a family with no job prospects. It's no different from what takes place in inner city gangs here in the U.S., just on a larger scale and under the false flag of religion.
I actually wanted to edit my post above, but didn't want to be accused of being a serial editor or anything :) I didn't exactly mean "precisely" in the context I think you were speaking in, at least not in the same sense.

While I do see what you're saying and am tempted to agree as far as the "evil" part goes, there are plenty of young boys that do those sorts of seemingly twisted things while young that don't go on to mass executing dozens of people in one sitting...some even get through life managing not to drown anyone in a single cage! My point being, I think its a combination of being raised in a strict religious upbringing, compounded by poverty, a lack of opportunity and maybe a smidgen of mental illness...than a warlord rolls into town with shiny fatigues, a sweet mullet and cool looking gats and promises your family will never go hungry again if you join his gang to fight against the very people you've been taught to believe are the reason your life sucks:/

It's not too hard to see what's going on here. Areas under heavy Isis control/security literally have busses taking kids to hate school everyday to lean how to kill infidels/non Muslims. It's very hard to erase that kind of thinking when it's been taught from birth. I think some westerners are under the misconception that most Muslims are raised this way, while that is not the case, but when this type of thing is happening on ANY scale, it can have disastrous concequneces down the road for many, many people.
Isn't it obvious??

Frances support of Israel.

Her participation in the illegal Iraq invasion.

The economic and racist oppression of her minority population.

It's all there.


For recruitement. The more they are able to create a situation in a country where both non-Muslims come to distrust the Muslim population, and where Muslims start to feel prejudiced against, there will be fertile ground for groups like Daech.

It's a viscious cycle and one that they understand well; we do to but we still want to see visible action each time there is an attack.

France is the perfect country for it, due to the existing frictions (partly due to the National Front's rise on the back of blaming immigration for the country's economic problems) and large Muslim population, complete with many dissaffected youths, etc.

For example, since the state of emergency was called following the Bataclan attack, 3000 raids were carried out, the majority on Muslim individuals and families, resulting in only 6 cases that required further investigation.

You can see how this would both create distrust and a feeling of not belonging on the part of Muslims, and allow the idea to grow in the rest of the population that it's okay to profile and single out a whole group of people, and specifically this one.

This is generally recognized to be the current situation and is the one argued by most security and intelligence experts.

Most of the call for a war on the religion or describing it as a clash of religions or civilizations are politicians who have the most to gain from it, namely the far right ones who have made immigration their whole platform or put it at the at the center of it.

Daech is being run by very sophisticated people with much experience in international politics; the original fanatically religious elements have been deposed or killed and it is now a recruiting and propaganda machine who is actually having trouble recruiting people to join by traveling to their territories to train or fight, so are focusing all their efforts on recruiting local people to act alone and claim allegiance when the commit terror acts.
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But what is the incentive for them in the long run? What is the ultimate goal, aside from the tired old caliphate thing? Those who are really pulling the strings in these super terror groups know they're in for a long, protracted fight because that's all anyone has ever obliged them with...and boy, is it lucrative! They're literally using an entire religion as a human shield in order to get rich through thug tactics under the guise of religion. The true heads of Daech/ISIS are probably doing blow off the arses of hookers at the Hard Rock as we speak, letting all the long haired village boys doing the raping/pillaging.
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But what is the incentive for them in the long run? What is the ultimate goal, aside from the tired old caliphate thing? Those who are really pulling the strings in these super terror groups know they're in for a long, protracted fight because that's all anyone has ever obliged them with...and boy, is it lucrative! They're literally using an entire religion as a human shield in order to get rich through thug tactics under the guise of religion. The true heads of Daech/ISIS are probably doing blow off the arses of hookers at the Hard Rock as we speak, letting all the long haired village boys doing the raping/pillaging.

This is the way it is, though without the Hard Rock. They enslave women and girls from certain non Muslim tribes in their territory that they've conquered as sex slaves, which suits them and makes great propaganda at the same time.
Tell me what you know about what a great international role-model and influence George Soros is.

...And which countries he'd be taken into custody to and jailed if he set foot in them.
Where did I claim he was a great role model? As for your latter sentence, I know he owes or owed a fine in France on an insider-trading conviction from a long time ago--I'm not so sure he'd be jailed. What else?

And please, tell us all about his evil plan you referred to earlier.
Where did I claim he was a great role model? As for your latter sentence, I know he owes or owed a fine in France on an insider-trading conviction from a long time ago--I'm not so sure he'd be jailed. What else?

And please, tell us all about his evil plan you referred to earlier.

I'm on the East coast, It's 1:00am and I'm kinda tied-up packing audio gear right now.

I'll argue with you with great vigor tomorrow.

Anyone see the video of the guy on a motorscooter trying to board the truck before the mayhem really got underway? Good citizen spotting evil afoot? Undercover scooter cop? Accomplice with a change of heart? Accomplice late to the action?
@GregC and @nutdog ...

You don't think the next attack on the infidels is already planned ?

This was not a planned attack by organized terrorists.

It seems to be a lone messed up individual who acted on motives that have little to do with Islam, radical or not.

Funny how when it comes to certain topics, the same people who say we have to wait until all the facts are in to judge an event, are extremely quick to decide another event is proof of the correctness of their grand narrative.
This was not a planned attack by organized terrorists.

It seems to be a lone messed up individual who acted on motives that have little to do with Islam, radical or not.

Funny how when it comes to certain topics, the same people who say we have to wait until all the facts are in to judge an event, are extremely quick to decide another event is proof of the correctness of their grand narrative.


You have put me in my place.

Enjoy fantasy land.

Allahu Akbar.
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