I agree with everything that’s been said here. I’ve got two wavemaps that I use, one made with a DPA d-vote that provides more definition, and one made with an AMT 25b which provides a somewhat more bassy sound. I actually keep a third wavemap for use with electric bass. It doesn’t make it sound acoustic, but does provide a richer, bigger sound. I also love the notch filter and also set it at 72 to tame that boomy D string. I definitely wouldn’t want to lose that, and have no use for a variable feedback control as I never have a problem with feedback. I almost always set the character knob to 98% mic. The knob that I tend to tweak the most is the bass knob, which in v.2.01 (the latest upgrade I’ve installed) is a combination hpf/bass shelving control. If the sound seems a little “thick,” I’ll set this at -1.5 to -2.5 to make it “leaner.” This seems to work much better than the hpf on my AI Claris SL, which seems more like “all or nothing.” I think it’s important to keep in mind that the TD reverts back to the version that was in place when you made any particular wavemap, so if you do the latest upgrade, you don’t lose the notch function for any wavemap you’ve already made with an earlier version. Also, I think you can also downgrade to an earlier version of the firmware if you don’t like the latest version.
I also don’t get why more bassists don’t use the TD; no one else has even heard of it in my neck of the woods! Is the extra “air” that a mic provides when heard in a live situation in the mix of other instruments really worth the hassles of feedback, bleed, preamps, phantom power, etc. that go along with using a mic in a live situation?