I would estimate the percentage of musicians (let's keep it at "Bass Players" just for the fun of it)You put my thoughts to words, even down to the willingness to work the occasional dive and road gig as part and parcel of the other easier/better gigs (I won't go out on anything extended at my age - we've got 3-nighter coming up 7 hours away in Branson, pretty much my limit).
For me it's all an exercise in acceptance. Otherwise I can make myself pretty miserable expecting everything to go my way.
who can freely pick & choose what gigs they'll play, where they'll play them, and who they're going to work with/for at, IDK, maybe .001 %??
NOW- I'm not talking about me or anybody turning gigs down, of course anybody can do that.
What I'm referring to is-If you are actively seeking gigs-short or long-term, at home or on the road, or in session:
Unless your name rhymes with "Marcus Miller" or "Nathan East" e.g. If you want the pay-out, be prepared to endure any compromises that may be required.
Or start your own Band!
Then, players will have to endure YOU!