Bass cabinet on a budget - recommendations?

Think SWR Goliath, Eden XLT / XST, Hartke XL ( aluminum cones) Yummy

Not sure about the used market, but loud and cheap generally screamed used heavy 410. Fender Rumbles are probably your best new bang for the buck.
Yup, if you can find them in Australia, where he is.

The best bet for him off his list he has to work with IMHO is this:
Genz Benz xb3 410 - $550

From his list of what he has available to him, in his price range are:
Genz Benz xb3 410 - $550
TC Electronic K210 (400W @ 8ohms) - $500
TC Electronic BC212 (250W @ 8ohms) -$280
Wow, these replies are great! Thank you!

I made a mistake in my original post - the 4th member is the singer, who plays the occasional harmonica - not another guitarist. The drummer uses cheap sticks, which wouldn’t help their durability.

Initially I was leaning towards the GB - it does seem to be the far better cab (also had a $50 price drop, so I could possibly get it for less). The only issue I might have with it is the weight, and that my place has a steep driveway, stairs, and I drive a Swift... that’s why I was looking at the BC212.

In terms of band income, it’s an originals band, so I imagine we’d be running at a loss for a fair bit.
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We in the US are not familiar with the used market in OZ. We also don't know what a Swift is- I assume a smaller car model.
Good luck with your search and you may want to get a good hand truck or wheels of some form to help you move your new cabinet/amp.
Or similar depending on year :)
Mark Bass 102P traveler or 122 Ninja

Hi everyone,

I’m having to get myself a bass cabinet in a short time frame - I recently joined a 4 piece band (with a drummer who has a tendency to break sticks).

I’ve got an Ampeg SVT 7 Pro, and I used to have an Ashdown MAG 410t before I moved overseas. Really liked the sound I got from it, too.

Ideally my budget would be around $500AUD used.

These are some of the cabs I’m looking at:

Genz Benz xb3 410 - $550
TC Electronic K210 (400W @ 8ohms) - $500
TC Electronic BC212 (250W @ 8ohms) -$280

I’m currently leaning towards the BC212, due to it being so close to Xmas etc, but I’ve got some potential misgivings about it - mainly being that my SVT 7 Pro runs 600W @ 8ohms. I’ve been reading up on overpowering cabs, but would appreciate any advice with it. Are the other cabs listed worth the extra money?

Definitely without hesitation go for the Genz 4x10. All the Genz cabs i've had are great. My first was the original 410T from the 90s that was beat to hell and sounded amazing even though the cones were creased by a previous owner. Sold that after a year or 2, and now have a 410T XB, an STL 201T, and a pair of Uber Quads (each has a 12, 2 8s, an a tweeter). They are all great sounding cabs, very well built, stylish, etc... The Uber Quads were the most expensive, but also the fanciest and highest power handling, and now I have a rig that will handle any gig I might realistically have.

I also have 2 of their heads, which are also great.

So yeah, I heartily recommend the Genz cab. The XB3 is also one of their later series, so it should be reasonably newer than other inexpensive used cabs you might find (and presumably new and improved, as good as the 410T was, the XB is even that much better, the XB3 is another couple iterations beyond that).

As some others have mentioned, the SWR Goliaths are also amazing cabs which go cheap (at least stateside). I have one of those too. Some of the Hartke stuff can be surprisingly good. I had a 4.5XL that was great, and i only sold it because i got the Goliath. But it had a big meaty and full sound, although it only handles 400W.

Peavey is cheap and durable, but I've never been impressed by their sound quality. And they probably aren't as cheap down under anyway. On the other hand, the Trace stuff they did 5-15 years ago was really nice and you might find some of that by you, as part of the empire. Or older iterations of Trace.

And a hatchback should easily be able to handle a 4x10, assuming the back seats can go down.

Anyway, do a sweep of your local craigslist equivalent, but I doubt you'll find anything that's a better fit and a better deal than the Genz.