On the basis of the above update, I tend to ask what the gig is before I accept it, new venue is ok, but I'll check it out before hand, for space and ideally dont want to be the first band in and also that the rosta is condusive to our offering, in terms of level, material and size etc.
I dont tend to have to ask much more as everyone knows what the deal is and if anyone, band, or venue, step outside of that, word goes round quickly...either between bands or venues so either could get tagged poorly...and conversley, if you do really well, that travels too.
I want the minimum of surprises...who doesn't...so don't work with people who dont get the whole picture.
If a BL leader is flakey to the above degree, noone works with them.
I dunno. I'm not taking personal time, gas and bandwidth to go check out a new venue; I'd rather trust the BL to do his job and handle the particulars. If he can't do that, maybe I'm in the wrong band.
Like the OP, I too am an addict in recovery; Trying to work outside of my own lane, trying to control things that aren't in my job description, general control freakdom, is a common character flaw in us addicts/alcoholics. Personally, it's a flaw that takes me off the beam and away from peace of mind, something I work too hard for these days to give away so easily.
And what's the worst case if I just show up and the new venue turns out to be a terrible fit? Paid rehearsal? - Because I'm going to get paid if I haul and setup my rig someplace. I can live with that. There'll be other gigs soon if the band is really working.
And surprises? Part of life. I can usually adapt with less effort than trying to cover every bass in advance, most of which aren't likely to come into play.
Like I mentioned, just pay me.