(Dr Bass/Marc Serio)-cab builder accepted >$10k in payments,never delivered gear

From what I've read, a couple guys have recently (finally) received their cabs. It might make sense (if they're still paying attention to this thread) to edit your post with the eventual delivery date. Kinda the same idea as leaving/posting the sale price in the classifieds.
DRB 6 x 10 loaded w/faital pro neos. Ordered at the end of Feb/2009.

Update*** Got tired of waiting with no communication from Serio and requested my Credit Card company to do a chargeback. (at 11 1/2 months) It took some persistance but they finally did it over 45 days ago so I got my money back, heard nothing from DR Bass and I'm done with this whole bad experience!
Kicking myself cuz I didn't look hard enough for these threads on Dr Bass before I plunked down my plastic. I'll start working on a refund ASAP.

I called last week to find out a ship date, first time I'd talked to him in person. Marc has the sound of a used car salesman over the phone. First he tried to talk to me about his court problems with his ex. Then he made some flimsy excuse for not even ordering the Kappalite driver. He definitely doesn't inspire confidence.