Skip the Dunlop strings. Here's why:
At 52 weeks per year, and changing your Dunlops about 2 to 3 times per week, comes out to 130 sets of strings (52 x 2.5). The street price for super brights 5 string sets range from $22 to $36 dollars. Cheapest is PittBull on eBay for $21.03 with free shipping*.
So let's take $22 per set. That represents $2,860 that Dunlop has to make up in retail sales for the free strings given to just one artist, not to mention the wastefulness and contribution to global warming (if that's your priority).
Now consider it's likely that one artist represents a fraction of the free strings given out, maybe 5%, then Dunlop needs to make up lost revenue and profit for about $60,000 every year from those that purchase their strings. That's just one avenue of the spiffs they give out.
So my take on it is that Dunlop is heavily into the free spiffs, and I'm significantly reluctant to subsidize other people who probably make more than I.
So, my recommendation is to move to another string manufacturer that you like, and let those that appear to be excessive on spiffs know that you oppose this form of marketing.
*= cheapest I found is actually Kiesel Guitars at $20 even, but they charge shipping unless you pick up in their store. Then, you are subjected to CA state income taxes if you are a non-resident.