First Commission Build - Is A Super-Tele A Thing?

After a bit more digging around on the interwebs, it seems that the pickup selector switch is gonna drive the depth and they seem to be about 1" deep. So I decided 1-1/8" depth should be good for that control cavity and went to town. She's all routed now -
View attachment 7005273

And again, little wiring channel revealed itself. I don't know why I get such joy out of that -
View attachment 7005272

Once I get my control plate I'll verify depths on everything, but even if I need to go a bit deeper I can easily do that with a pattern bearing bit. We're in good shape here, it looks like an electric guitar. It just has a rather rough outline shape. 🤣
Next up I plan on doing a fore arm carve and giving the rest a good round over. I'm not a fan of the slab look, and I want to reveal that pinstripe in the arm carve. Stay tuned for that! :cool:

Before I drilled for the potentiometer and switch on the guitar I’m working on I kept getting nervous about the wire channels I made but they were right there when I drilled the holes. :thumbsup:
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Trying to get this body cleaned up so I can move on to the next part. My brain says my next step is to do the final body shaping, and the main part there is my edge profile.
I want to do a small round-over on both the top and bottom. I'm not a fan of the slab look, or sharp edges on this style of body shape, it needs that edge softened somehow. Plus, I want to do an arm carve on this one, so we need some sort of edge profile to blend that into. So my brain is saying something like a 1/4" round-over, both front and rear. But ultimately I'll need to route that and look at it and see how I feel about it.

But first!
Let's get this thing shaped correctly and get the waves out of it. I had a few spots where the router chattered and then there's the area where the neck-thru and fretboard are in the way so I couldn't route the shape all the way into there. So the first thing I need to do is set up the spindle sander contraption. This is my janky spindle sander table, utilizing my ShopSmith tables to extend my work area and also just give me somewhere to set the spindle sander itself. -
Then we just start working through various different sized barrels, getting into those horns and up to the neck to blend that in a bit better -
Yeah, I'm liking that a lot better. :cool:

Next thing to do was clamp it in my leg vice and start working on some of those "outside" radius areas with a hand sanding block. I like these little "mouse" sanding blocks, they use a typical 5" RoS disk so I'm not buying some other sandpaper shape or size, I just use the same ones I use on my RoS. -
This was just a lot of slow, tedious work. Turn on the radio, fire up the overhead dust collector, don the mask and take your time cleaning it up. After about an hour and a half of just hand sanding that edge I think I've got it where I want it now and feel like it's ready to route the edge profile now.

So let's cap this post off with a shot of where we are now -
Yeah, that seems rude to just leave it at that. Let's try cleaning it up with the Denatured Alcohol -

Yeah, I'm not at all unhappy with this piece of wood that got rejected from the local guitar manufacturer. :cool:
For a strange combo of country/blues and hair metal, this thing is starting to look pretty cool. The client, however, is literally over the moon with the build progress. He says it's the most beautiful guitar he's ever seen. I told him he needs to get out more. 🤣 He told me he's serious. He's jacked up about it and can't wait to hold it.

I'm a little torn on this one. I kind of want to leave it natural and finish it with Osmo. But part of me wants to apply some sort of colored burst stain to it. I just can't decide. 🤨 🤔
I do have some scrap offcuts that I could test stains on just to see how they look on this piece of wood. I just don't know.
Just plugging away. 😎
We had a power surge today and the internet has been down since about lunch time, so it seemed like a good time to just go work on a guitar. 🤣😂🤣
I started by focusing on getting my edge profiles straightened out. Just a subtle 1/4" round over both front and rear -

And then added a small arm carve. I wanted it to be more comfortable without getting too Stratocaster, and I wanted to reveal that pinstripe without getting too Kiesel. I'm happy with it and the wife says it looks good. -

Then I worked on cleaning up that heel transition -

And then there was a metric s#!t ton of sanding just to clean up some router tear out from when I routed the shape in both the body and headstock. I also dis some more shaping of tje volute and blending that into tje headstock as well. But I think I've got it where I want it now. The next step will be mocking up all the hardware and getting all my screw holes drilled. I also still need to drill the jack socket, but I don't have my jack socket yet so I'm holding on that for now. Same goes for tuner holes, I don't have them in hand yet so holding pattern there too.
But yeah, it is certainly looking like a guitar at this point -

So I had my first really big mistake on this build yesterday. I had to take a moment to digest it and think through my plan of action. 😒

I drilled the tuner holes and that's when I noticed that my locations from my CAD work weren't jiving with reality. It seems the tuners for the D and G strings didn't have enough space to allow for the tuner body on the back side. -
Woops. 😒 :facepalm:
Okay...deep breathes...WWBD (what would Bruce do) ? Hmm...plug the hole and redrill. That sounds like a good plan. We can fix this. I don't really need to move the hole a ton, and I think the tuner body will cover the back side easily enough. So I went over to the lathe and turned a custom dowel out of scrap purpleheart and plugged the hole -

We'll let that dry, and then this is a good opportunity to improve on that headstock veneer anyways. I wasn't really super excited about it because it just doesn't have much ... character ... to it. It's just kind of there, it's not really looking amazing. So how about we do a black veneer layer over that and cap it off with this piece of flame maple veneer I had in my scrap veneer stash? -
This way the black veneer layer will match all the other black veneer layers elsewhere. I think in the end this will probably look a bit better anyways. But yeah, I think I can save this. :confused:
Also, I could use a tiny bit of extra width on the nut shelf anyways and I think the veneer layers should end up right where I want to be, so it's not really gonna hurt that either.

These are the moments when you really find out if you wanna be a guitar builder or a kit assembler. There's gonna be mistakes, there's gonna be issues. I'm really trying to learn how to work through them and come out the other side unharmed.
Is it ideal? No. Am I willing to find a solution? Yeah, absolutely.
And I think it'll work just fine. I'll follow up after the dowel dries enough to flatten off the top and bottom and then glue the veneer over it all.

Just...deep breathes...think it through...walk away if you have to and come back later.
A huge thank you to everyone here, because honestly it's all the stuff that I've learned from reading all of your build threads and your advice that had me in a place where I could say "Yeah, there's a solution. Let's try this..."
You guys are a great community and I'm happy I stumbled upon it. :cool:
Sorry about that. To quote someone whose name I don’t recall at the moment, “If you’re not making mistakes you’re not making much of anything.” It looks like you’ll pull through ok.
Haha, thanks. I fully subscribe to that theory, which is probably why I have far too many hobbies where I'm building things. 😎

You could have totally just said, "I ended up finding a different veneer for the headstock, so I filled in the holes and put on the new veneer". No one has to know it's not always all intentional. :smug:
Yeah, I thought about that. But my wife says I should share my mistakes so others can learn.
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So it came out fairly nice....
...but as you can see, I now have a small tear out right in the middle (which happened when I removed my routing template), along with a tiny bit right at the upper tip. I think I could probably devise a logo inlay to cover the one in the middle, just not sure what to do about the one at the tip. I'm debating ripping it back off and trying again. :confused:
Or I could attempt to bevel the edge enough to hide that one at the tip. Ugh.
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