Future Impact now available!! WAS: deep impact reissue!!! interested?

I'm interested as well, also depending on the price.

I remember when these first came out, and the general lack of interest. With all the interest since, it seems kind of amazing to me that something hasn't come along to fill the void and become the "standard".
What would happen to the prices of the originals if a reissue was released (or even just announced)?
Theyd still sell for like 300$ because of 'mojo'

I dont exactly get the big deal with these. Im not being cynical, and it is not like i have heard hours and hours of examples..
Hell, at the original and blwout prices, then yeah i could see this being the best pedal per value in the universe... but i will never understand $600-900 for ANY pedal. For $900 you could buy a Moog and a month of keyboard lessons..
I dont exactly get the big deal with these. Im not being cynical, and it is not like i have heard hours and hours of examples..
Hell, at the original and blwout prices, then yeah i could see this being the best pedal per value in the universe... but i will never understand $600-900 for ANY pedal.

I have one. Paid $150 back in the day and was shocked when I saw what they are going for now. Fun pedal, but never had a place for it live or in the studio.
Theyd still sell for like 300$ because of 'mojo'

I dont exactly get the big deal with these. Im not being cynical, and it is not like i have heard hours and hours of examples..
Hell, at the original and blwout prices, then yeah i could see this being the best pedal per value in the universe... but i will never understand $600-900 for ANY pedal. For $900 you could buy a Moog and a month of keyboard lessons..

For me I just want to try one, but that's it pretty much. I want to see what all the hype is about. Then again I said the same thing about the Bass Whammy and didn't buy it when it was re-released because I have an Eventide H9.
For me I just want to try one, but that's it pretty much. I want to see what all the hype is about. Then again I said the same thing about the Bass Whammy and didn't buy it when it was re-released because I have an Eventide H9.
the only time i heard one was with a band that opened for us. But.. well... the bassist was not very good. or kind-of good, even. DEFINITELY envious of some of his gear, though. Funny how that cookie crumbles, sometimes
There is no way in hell he would be able to produce it for $200. You have guys selling fuzz boxes developed in their bedroom with $10 in parts for $200. At the very least you're looking at Strymon level pricing. I would guess $350-450.

Sad to say this will never happen at a price we're willing to pay unless he is going to take a loss on it.
There is no way in hell he would be able to produce it for $200. You have guys selling fuzz boxes developed in their bedroom with $10 in parts for $200. At the very least you're looking at Strymon level pricing. I would guess $350-450.


What the heck are people here moanin' about $200? The AVERAGE for BooTiki type pedullzzz is between $200-$400, and this is a BOOT EEKY type of pedal – not a mass market Scrube Teamer clone

Take a look at the new Beat Buddy drum machine pedal for a current reference of start up/development costs and how much this Synth thing'll cost retail (duly noted the Beat Buddy has a wider market appeal and isn't targeted at just bass players). The Beat Buddy suggested retail price is in the neighbourhood of $350, kickstarters got it for less than 200 smackers and and late-comers to the pre-order queue were shelling out $250 – still $100 off the MSRP.

Given the used market for the original Akai, I bet an updated and improved design would sell well at $275-350 – but, what do I know. I'm not a market researcher, product developer, manufacturer etc... just another disembodied opinion on the Internut.

Lokki, Colour me interested.
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