GK Neo 212 - who knew?

Jan 8, 2012
Oly Pen
Never really looked at GK gear, not back in the 90s, not now, but there's a neo 212 at my shared rehearsal studio, and man, I'm loving that cabinet with my Mesa D800+ head! It handles the volume and power well. It's punchy and articulate with some nice full lows. The price is right on them too, not spendy like the boutique cabs.

It's high on my list of cabs to add to my arsenal.
I like silver...

If you like punchy, then yes, it's a good cab. Some say it's too mid-heavy though.
I played 2x 112 GK Neos for quite some time, and it's amazing how well they
cut through in rock-/heavy-rock type bands. Great cabs!
I agree if you like punchy....that has become my sound as I am a GK guy now, with head and cabs....played through an Ampeg last night and my lows were awesome, but I missed the mid PUNCH in the face that is my sound. I agree, you have to like the punch, but the punch is me....lol