GK Neo 212 - who knew?

I hate my GK212 Neo, bought new, never gigged always low volume.

farts all the time if bass is barely boosted, low gain, low volume....new batteries different cords.
can not do a low a...

Finally went in the garage last night and dug out my ancient GK210 backline combo. No farts with tons of bass boost, high gain, high volume not a problem. Low A was great.

Mines going on crags list this weekend
Maybe it's not farting, but sounds like it? Have you tried checking all the screws to the speakers and the grill? Or checking to see if the handles are rattling? Or maybe even the GK or NEO logo could be vibrating? Although I don't own a NEO 212, I have played them before and have not experienced this, that's why I am offering some recommendations.

I do own the NEO 410 and NEO 112 and I don't experience any farting on either of those cabs as well. Hopefully it is a simple solution that you can find before getting rid of it.
I had one of the rare-ish 4ohm 212-IIs. The best cab I've ever had. Then I "retired" from playing out. I wish I knew who ended up with it, because I'd make them a serious offer of it.
Here's my 212mbe (first series with the piezo tweeters (that i don't use anyway)) neo stack with a mb800. The cabs weigh 34# each.

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After all the love I've seen for this cab, I think I'm gonna just bite the bullet and order one with the intention of eventually adding another. The main reason that I've ignored the GK Neo cabs is that I don't like the silver grills. I'll just get them painted black (or red if I feel silly).
Well I went red!! Had my neo 115 powder coated red metallic.
I like that Elf on the shelf!

That's a great little combo of gear. I rocked it for tonight's show in a small club with foh support. Tomorrow night I'll be running the full stack with my RB head. Regardless of the amp, those cabs sound great! The Elf has a fuller, meaty tone where the 400RB has a great growl. Both sound really good in their own with those cabs!
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