At least on I-25 that runs N-S through Colorado, most of the traffic will move 75-80 *when traffic density allows*. The speed limit is 75 and almost all the traffic moves between 70 and 80, with 10% faster and 10% slower, as is pretty normal.
Some truisms about Florida retirement communities:
- When a man’s spouse passes away, there will be at least 6 women at his door with a casserole when he gets home from the burial.
- They will all have gotten their hair done and be wearing black underwear - as a sign of respect for the deceased.
- Some will ask him to the dance at the clubhouse. Others will ask immediately to do the Horizontal Bop.
- There is ALWAYS one woman in the community who has maintained herself well, wears makeup that is a little more skillfully applied, dresses more provocatively, and wears higher heels than the other women who live there. This woman is utterly despised by the other women. She LOVES that.
As annoying as NC can be (and yeah, it can be pretty annoying), it has NOTHING on FL. I just escaped from 7 months in that hell to the relative sanity of the metro RDU, NC area, and as bad as it is capable of being here, I'm thankful every day I drive to and from work that I'm no longer doing so in the metro Orlando area. Because F*** THAT.
You call RDU SANITY????
I would rather starve if the only alternative were working anywhere in that mass of 7 or 8 towns stuck together.
My brother lives in suburban Durham and works at UNC. If it weren't for my nieces and the occasional concert I would never venture into that madness.
Split second = the length of time between when the light turns green and the fourth cab back leans on the horn.Speed is relative. I move faster than most people here in North Texas, but in NYC, I was considered extremely slow. This may be why New Yorkers have a reputation as being rude and inconsiderate.
For you guys in New York, sorry if offended, but that is the common perception in the South.
When you are new in the subway and not sure where to put the coin, it isn't necessary to start slapping someone in the back and cussing him out.
1) I said RELATIVE sanity. For the record, my drive is US 55 from Fuquay-Varina to Apex and back, and typically not too stressful. I have also driven from FV to Cary, via back roads, and it is not the worst drive ever.
2) Have you ever driven in Orlando?
My daughters are 6 and 9. And you ask me if I've driven in Orlando?
My daughters are 6 and 9. And you ask me if I've driven in Orlando?
Noted, however, as a former resident, I will say that if your only experience is driving between airport and Disney, you HAVEN'T driven in Orlando. Not at all. That's bad. In-town traffic is REALLY REALLY VERY VERY REALLY BAD. Damn near Atlanta bad.
That said, nothing I've experienced in RDU approaches the special kind of stupid either in-town or Diz-knee traffic can create.
I’ve always wondered what makes places like Orlando, Boston and ATL especially horrendous when it comes to traffic. Poor design? Overpopulation taxing the infrastructure? As bad as NYC and Cali are, there are just some places that make them seem like a quiet Sunday drive. I suppose common sense might point to the two biggest population centers having more time and money to adapt, but is it really that?
Maybe I'm biased because I have to go there on occasion. I've driven ATL, Houston, DC, Boston, etc. RDU is its own brand of stupid.
I’ve always wondered what makes places like Orlando, Boston and ATL especially horrendous when it comes to traffic. Poor design? Overpopulation taxing the infrastructure? As bad as NYC and Cali are, there are just some places that make them seem like a quiet Sunday drive. I suppose common sense might point to the two biggest population centers having more time and money to adapt, but is it really that?
It's the idiots. If you have to drive while they venture out, it sucks. Doesn't matter where.
All of the above, but in Orlando, you can add the factor of the "Tufted Blue-Hair Twit", which multiplies the issues. Little old ladies looking THROUGH the steering wheel, and all you can see are their knuckles on the wheel and their blue hair poking up over the top....the male of the species is just as irritating and creates even more issues....
Infrastructure in Orlando is over-taxed as well, the residents have a long-ingrained bias about using tax money to improve any infrastructure.
I sometimes feel as though I am the only human in my area working, driving, walking, and generally MOVING with any SPEED whatsoever.
Just trying to get something to eat around here takes forever.
Getting to work I drive on roads with 45 mph speed limits. And these old ladies and geezers in Buicks who have NOWHERE TO BE are cruising around at about 30 mph.
I go to the grocery store and dozens of IDIOTS are just taking up the whole isle having conversations and reading labels directly across from their carts.... totally unaware of their surroundings. And they look at me like I'm some kind of jerk when I say "Excuse me".
And don't even get me started on people at festivals and malls who creep along in a line of half a dozen people or more.... blocking up the whole side so nobody can get through.
I work circles around my co-workers.... not because I am particularly brilliant and/or talented.... but because I MOVE CONSTANTLY. And I do it quickly.
Now, I'm not literally running. I'm not out of breath. I'm not exhausted at the end of the day. But I'm quick and steady.
If you insist on creeping along in your life, do the rest of us a favor and at least stay to the side so you are OUT OF THE WAY.
(......and I haven't even had my coffee yet. )
Thank you for allowing me to vent. I don't need advice. I'm not doing it wrong.