Thank you. And my turn signal is supposed to be on.I will give an elderly driver a pass if they are going around or slightly under the limit so long as they're in the slow lane where they belong.
Thank you. And my turn signal is supposed to be on.I will give an elderly driver a pass if they are going around or slightly under the limit so long as they're in the slow lane where they belong.
Mike, where exactly is that DDI... Things are about to get real crazy around here as they are preparing to start building a diverging diamond interchange, the first of it's kind in Washington State, at one of the busiest intersections in town.
Mike, where exactly is that DDI
being placed?
We think Seattle is thick now (and it is), just wait till that 99viaduct comes down, and the tunnel replaces it
No wonder you're always in a rush, you don't know how to get around. Above the mason-Dixon line is Pennsylvania BELOW the M-D is Maryland.I'm guessing Maryland
No wonder you're always in a rush, you don't know how to get around. Above the mason-Dixon line is Pennsylvania BELOW the M-D is Maryland.
For the record I retired 25 years ago; I'm not in a rush to get anywhere. I drive how I please. I will stay out of high traffic areas like doorways and the head of escalators though.
While I agree with, what I think is anyway, your sentiment here, those are not the only reasons people don't drive up to the legal max speed. A lot of people that do hypermiling, and also a lot of people driving EVs don't - it gets much better gas milage (or range in an EV) to not (every 5 mph is a massive change in a vehicle's drag through air), just as two very relevant examples. But if someone is truly scared to go 55/60/65 or whatever, they should either avoid those roads or probably all of them, yes.Now, if one is emotionally and/or mentally incapable of driving the speed limit, then perhaps one shouldn't drive.
If you are in the way in traffic you would be the exception rather than the rule in PA.
My first wife was from Lancaster. I did a few gigs with her uncles around the area. Driving up there was a breeze because everyone going slow stayed to the right out of the way... even the horse buggies. Left lane was only for passing.
Now, if one is emotionally and/or mentally incapable of driving the speed limit, then perhaps one shouldn't drive.
I typically drive 3 to 4 mph over the speed limit, in an effort to go with the flow of traffic. Yet, I still have vehicles stacking up behind me, tailgating, making aggressive and unsafe passes, etc. At what point will my driving (at least near legal speeds), not piss you off?
Yes, I'm that guy... note, your urgency and stress will only accelerate the early demise of your body and soul. Mellow out, you'll get there.
Don't give the right of way to someone who doesn't have the right of way. You are being polite to them, and taking a right away from me.
GBBSBassist - I read every word of this thread. One cannot please every driver on the road, nor can one please every member of this forum, you have just illustrated this perfectly.
Getting to work I drive on roads with 45 mph speed limits. And these old ladies and geezers in Buicks who have NOWHERE TO BE are cruising around at about 30 mph.
I typically drive 3 to 4 mph over the speed limit, in an effort to go with the flow of traffic.
Yes, I'm that guy...
In any lane. BTW - I typically stay right unless I am passing… however... at 'in town ' (35 mph) speeds, it's different:….When you are doing 3-4MPH over the speed limit, is that in the passing lane?
In any lane. BTW - I typically stay right unless I am passing… however... at 'in town ' (35 mph) speeds, it's different:
When there are two lanes available, I will stay to the right, unless I am going through the congested part of the neighborhood - strip malls, grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. nearly everyone is tying to make a right turn into a business, or get back onto the road from the same business. Traffic flows better with less vehicles in the right lane. I will run in the left lane, even if someone behind me wants to go faster. I have been doing this longer than they have and I guarantee my method works better.