New band plays weddings and corporate events. They don't wear tuxedos, and said they want to up their fashion game and start moving away from the traditional black suits.
I have to go buy clothes this week.
When I asked for help they advised me to look at what the Jimmy Fallon band is wearing, or Justin Timberlake. Every picture I see of those guys - they're wearing black suits.
I know nothing about style. I wear black jeans, black T-shirts, and black boots when I play. I wear jeans and Ts for everything else in my life outside of weddings and funerals.
I know I can ask the band to be more specific, but I'd rather ask the fine folks at Talkbass first.
Can you help dress me as stylishly as possible? I know absolutely nothing style in 2017. The last time I bought stylish dress clothes they looked like this....
I need help.