I've been kicking myself for buying a combo when I started on bass, and have made myself feel better by taking advantage of some cash from my first paid gig and from a bass sale to buy a bass head on a Black Friday sale. Now I'm trying to solidify decisions about cabs.
Right now, I play bass out infrequently, so no huge rush on the cab since the new head is solid state and can be used w/out a cab. And at least for now I've got a Carvin MB210, but may sell that once I get a cab.
I'm looking at options and have questions about the fearful cabs. I see two options for me regarding fearful cabs:
* Build a 12/6 now and get another 12/6 cab later if needed. Pros - modular, and lowest fearful entry bar. But - one cab is 8ohm, so it would exercise the new amp only a little more than my MB210 (even though it might be just as loud or louder). My question: is expandability limited to one 12/6 extension cab or can it be two (or even three)?
* As an alternative, would it be wiser to start with a 1212/6(/1)? It would be 4ohm to start so possibly/probably loud enough to never need another cab, but a more expensive starting position. If one would want to expand, would you have to add another 1212/6 or could one add a 12/6 with the potential for a second 12/6?
I guess the primary question I'm asking is whether fearful cabs can be daisy chained beyond two cabinets.
Right now, I play bass out infrequently, so no huge rush on the cab since the new head is solid state and can be used w/out a cab. And at least for now I've got a Carvin MB210, but may sell that once I get a cab.
I'm looking at options and have questions about the fearful cabs. I see two options for me regarding fearful cabs:
* Build a 12/6 now and get another 12/6 cab later if needed. Pros - modular, and lowest fearful entry bar. But - one cab is 8ohm, so it would exercise the new amp only a little more than my MB210 (even though it might be just as loud or louder). My question: is expandability limited to one 12/6 extension cab or can it be two (or even three)?
* As an alternative, would it be wiser to start with a 1212/6(/1)? It would be 4ohm to start so possibly/probably loud enough to never need another cab, but a more expensive starting position. If one would want to expand, would you have to add another 1212/6 or could one add a 12/6 with the potential for a second 12/6?
I guess the primary question I'm asking is whether fearful cabs can be daisy chained beyond two cabinets.