Hofner players…that AREN’T Paul?

I've seen this gentleman, Dale Davis, with Amy Winehouse and a variety of other British and American acts. He plays both violin-shaped and club basses from Hofner to very good effect.

Enjoying the suggestions so far. Some club basses. I’m specifically speaking about the violin bass though. Also im not asking who else on here playes a Hofner violin… unless you have music to share on Spotify or something??
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John Stirratt from Wilco keeps one in regular rotation and I'm pretty positive this is his Club bass in the studio, playing one of my favorite Stirratt bass lines none the less (though they're all pretty stellar and he's always got great tone dialed in)

Caught Wilco a couple months ago and they opened with Handshake Drugs, and Stirratt was playing the Hofner on it. Sounded great, but he went to the Jazz bass for the next tune and stayed with it all night.

Chris Wood flips between an old J and a Hofner when he's not playing upright, and both sound pretty spectacular. I believe that this gnarly bass solo is the Hofner, with a busted up SVT and some kind of Muff:

I've seen Sven Pipien of the Black Crowes pictured with one in advertisements, but I can't say I've ever seen him with one live. There's a ton of other players, from Flea to Tina Weymouth and everyone in between, who will pull one out whenever *that* tone is needed. I'd love to hear your music, it's cool that someone out there is using them for something outside that 60s beatle sound.