That is an Ashula (now my favorite), and I find I need to hold it more like a string bass to reach across all 7 strings (with either hand), and the neck is obviously heavier than most normal 4 or 5 string basses, so the almost vertical string bass position helps prevent neck dive.I spy an Ashula on your bed.
I like wearing my bass pretty high
...unless you have real long arms like a gorilla.
Ok, ladies and gentlemen. Take it easy on me since this is my first thread post. I am posting this just because I always get my chops busted by my band mates that I wear my bass like a tie. I like wearing my bass pretty high and am comfortable that way, even though I just started playing a Spector 5lx and don’t know if it looks right being worn high. I think with the fenders worked better. Lol. Anyway, I figured I would throw this out there and hope I am posting it in the right forum. Happy New Year!!
If you are playing heavy metal, you can either play it with your teeth or hold it behind your head and use a pick!!I gotta loose weight....if I wear it too low I can't see it. If its high were I prefer it, it rests on my gut like a TV tray.
It's hell to get old!!
Well let's say you always practice(4days a week)sitting down....well all your muscles and muscle memory are designed to play in that exact fashion. So if you stand up(say at a show or band practice)your gonna get tired quicker as your muscles will be working harder in a new position than their used to, and you might mess up more in this new position. So keep your bass set how you practice as you'll get the best playability out of it, longevity and accuracy! That's what I do. If you need a harder look for a metal band or whatnot....bend your knee's and give a wide stance...your good to go! Of course you want to practice as well standing up, but let's be honest with ourselves..most of the time we practice siting down! Now for the guys that play down at there knees....well I don't know anyone that plays like that that can play like Miller/Wooten/Jaco. But if you don't want to play like that, then who cares! Actually maybe Trujillo, as he was in Infectious Grooves and did some amazing shiznit in that band...I play the bass with my nose. That high enough for you?
Now seriously, I've been only playing for less than 6 months and just try to wear it where it feels comfortable - not too high, not too low. One tip I found somewhere (maybe at is to wear your bass at such height that it feels more or less the same whether you're standing up or sitting. I adjust the strap when I'm sitting so that the bass rests at my leg and then tighten the strap until it begins to tense. No idea if it looks right or wrong, though.