How Long Have You Owned and Played The Same Bass?

My first "good" bass. Fender Blacktop Jazz Bass (I say "good" because it was my first Fender and to me it's good. But for others may not)

It is still the bass I trust the most and probably most versatile. Every time I pick it, something happens. Still in love with it

I'm as old as a lot of you guys but I started playing a lot later in life, just messing around for quite a few years before finally getting more serious about it. So unfortunately I don't have a 40 year old bass. However, I've had my current Stingray over 10 years and have bought about 12 basses since buying this one. A few of them gave it a good fight, but none have been able to knock it out of my #1 position. I can't imagine deciding to get rid of it.

1996 Yamaha BBN4. Had it since '98. Modded out with Dimarzio DP123 (Jazz, set up with two DPDT switches for dual sound, and a bridge/middle/neck toggle), Badass bridge, and better tuners. Also glued the neck in for more stability (glued and screwed!). Other than the occasional fret dressing and oiling the fingerboard (oiling done every other string change- Rotosounds SM66 set) and replacing the volume/tone pots ONCE, it hasn't needed any major service yet!

Excuse the mess! It was taken quite some time ago, while developing some effects...


  • Bass and Effects in development- late 2015.JPG
    Bass and Effects in development- late 2015.JPG
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The oldest bass I actually still play is my Reggie Hamilton which was purchased 5 years ago. I have three other players that range in time of possession from 3 years to 2 months. The oldest bass I own is only rarely played, and then only at home, for grins:


It's a no name Japanese violin bass purchased in 1970 to the best of my recollection. So about 47 years, give or take. The oldest instrument I own is a clarinet that I would have gotten in 1958 or so which would make it about 59 years in my possession. I have played that recently at home and I would say it is more likely that I would have call to play it out in public than I would the old violin bass.


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I’m only at 5 years with my 2002 Lakland Skyline Glaub, but that’s 1/3 of my playing “career” (and interestingly, the basses life), so it counts for something, right? :)

Actually, I also have a 60s Eko Barracuda hollowbody, for about 8 years. Though that one stayed behind when I moved to US, maybe I should try to bring it over.

And I would’ve been at 10 years with my 2002 Skyline DJ4 from my avatar, but it was stolen. I miss that one, best J ever...
I got this Steinberger L-2 new in 1982, so that's been 35 years:
(The case is much newer; I wore the original one out after 30+ years on the road!)

And I got my Modulus new in 1988...actually, ordered it in '88, took delivery the first week of January '89, so that's >28 years:

And I've had this Schecter since 1996, so 21 years:

All my other basses have been in my possession for less than 20 years.