I'm guessing around 150 as a part timer. I ran with two bands last year, but am down to just one this year, for now... I played three gigs over the last weekend, so I've got one in the can already for this year.
Playing a heavy schedule has been a pretty consistent thing for me over the years.
I toured with a national country act/artist pushing a single and we had a brutal touring schedule. 2015-2016 I played 340 shows a year. That's close to 700 in two years...
I finally got off the crazy train before I got to the point of hating music and forgetting what my home and girl looked like. Playing part time is letting me reconnect with the joy of playing again.
I think we already have 70 shows booked so far this year, adding more weekly. Some gigs are great, others not the best, but for me being on stage is what I live my life for. I don't think I'd last too long without my gigs. Creating music and connecting with others on stage and the audience is my happy place and choice of drug. This year I've stepped up to running sound (well learning as I go) and will be singing lead vocals for at least a third of a night's worth of music, so I've found myself saddled with new and exciting challenges. This is what I love.