If I could hang One piece of Art on my wall...

Egon Schiele - Pregnant Woman and Death
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My late friend had this, forfeited by a renter. From the day I saw it, I badgered him til he let me have it. 2'x3' print of the Jeff Beck original. Love Jeff Beck, miss my friend.View attachment 1041407
Great album. "Behind The Veil" basically defines how to use insane distortion and harmonics in a very lyrical way.
The only art that has always been with me and always will is a 3'x2' photo of Louis Armstrong with his Lady Lucille on a Vespa in front of The Colosseum in Rome in 1949. Also love the car next to the front wheel.
I have a few stained glass windows above the arches in between rooms that visitors think is neat, as do I, but Louis on a Vespa is my art.

"Richmond III" by Ryan M. Reynolds. He does a lot of painting in Northern California:

He has a way with stark, ordinary images that I find rather evocative. Here's another one I really like from him - "The Commute" - it looks like how being in heavy traffic on a hot summer day feels:

One more - "Suburban Roof":