If I could hang One piece of Art on my wall...

"Richmond III" by Ryan M. Reynolds. He does a lot of painting in Northern California:

He has a way with stark, ordinary images that I find rather evocative. Here's another one I really like from him - "The Commute" - it looks like how being in heavy traffic on a hot summer day feels:

One more - "Suburban Roof":
"The Commute" almost Has to be by the same Artist who painted a rainy street scene...canyons of NYC...from behind the wheel...that I bought for a couple of dollars at a yard sale 20 years ago. It hung in our bedroom forever...until our friend Scott offered us a still life he'd painted.
That very wet street scene poster is downstairs somewhere.
I've Got to go find it tomorrow!
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What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs hanging on the wall?

Art. :roflmao:

So I'm guessing the torso would be the part (if you include the head, that is).
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"The Commute" almost Has to be by the same Artist who painted a rainy street scene...canyons of NYC...from behind the wheel...that I bought for a couple of dollars at a yard sale 20 years ago. It hung in our bedroom forever...until our friend Scott offered us a still life he'd painted.
That very wet street scene poster is downstairs somewhere.
I've Got to go find it tomorrow!
I'd really like to see that!

Our walls are covered in art and vintage advertising (Italian Futurist Campari posters, Victrola, Alfa Romeo, etc.), my partner has put her stained glass pieces in the windows, and a big poster for Fellini's La Dolce Vita occupies a wall. The paintings are by artist friends, but this one is by me. I'm much more of a sculptor, but had a painting class where we were assigned to do a painting in the style of a famous artist. I chose Jackson Pollock. It's a lot harder to get it right than you'd think, and it took a lot of research before I discovered a clue as to how he kept everything from running together into a big mess (as happened the first few times I attempted it).

But if I could have just one painting, from all of art history? Wow, I don't know know. Guernica comes to mind, or certain Kandinsky paintings, or . . . Well, I could never decide on just one. As it is, we rearrange things from time to time. It's one reason I could never get a tattoo--my tastes change (I can't imagine still having to look at some things I liked as a teen permanently in my skin).
$100 will get you a lovely photo of ME to grace you walls. Nothing like a reminder of how good you have it compared to someone else.

shipping, handling, taxes and other charges that we haven't thought of yet will be added. Offer not valid where devoid or inhibited.

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