So a cab rated 45Hz doesn't reproduce the fundamental 41Hz frequency of the open E string at all, not even at a very low volume.
It may or may not. If it's -10dB at 45hz, there's probably some 41 hZ getting through. -10dB means only half as loud. It's not like there is a brick wall at 45hZ.
the listener's brain fills in the missing 41Hz. Correct?
Yes, correct.
Thank God! My musical world was almost shattered by the thought that after investing so much capital in gear and time in practicing/playing, I wasn't getting any of the holy 41Hz.
You can hear the bass player on a small radio or TV speaker that probably rolls off somewhere around 100 hZ. It's not like every time the guy plays an E you suddenly don't hear the note.
Check out this online tone generator and choose the sine wave to actually hear fundamental frequencies without the harmonics. Then try the same frequencies with harmonics by playing the other three waveforms.
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