If you could play bass in ANY band, who would it be?

Funny, I was watching the trailer for Dave Grohl's new documentary "What Drive's Us" yesterday and I thought to myself that the Foo's bass player, Nate Mendel, has a pretty sweet gig. The guys in the band seem like they genuinely like each other and still have fun and the bass parts are straightforward and, while the parts aren't musically complex, they're probably fun to play in stadiums and festivals.

So I'd say Foo Fighters. Sure it's "Dad Rock" played by middle aged dudes, but I'm a middle aged dad so I'd fit right in.
Funny, I was watching the trailer for Dave Grohl's new documentary "What Drive's Us" yesterday and I thought to myself that the Foo's bass player, Nate Mendel, has a pretty sweet gig. The guys in the band seem like they genuinely like each other and still have fun and the bass parts are straightforward and, while the parts aren't musically complex, they're probably fun to play in stadiums and festivals.

So I'd say Foo Fighters. Sure it's "Dad Rock" played by middle aged dudes, but I'm a middle aged dad so I'd fit right in.
Oh yes...I would love to play in Foo Fighters....if I was young, well, fit and full of energy
I don’t doubt that you have a better handle on the band’s history, all I’m certain of is that at some point, alcohol became far more important than the band.

Yeah, true. Happened to Brett too (with with heroic, coke, pills, maybe doors and 4s, man). And Hetson. Only Jay still plays with BR (though Brett, of course, writes a lot of material). And they're all clean now.
None, because that would mean that the bass player in that band would no longer be the awesome bass player I revere and admire, but me instead.

Yeah, it might be taking things too literally, but I kind of can't get past this either. That said, I did try out to replace Dee Dee Ramone ... and case in point the guy they got couldn't replace Dee Dee Ramone.