Jack Casady Bass Access Panel Question

Feb 12, 2014
I'm thinking of getting an access panel cut in my Casady bass so I can do some of my own repairs. Would a guitar tech be competent to do this or would this be a job for a luthier? What might be the down side? I'm not concerned with resale value because it's a (good quality) factory second and one of the older ones. Thanks in advance.
What repairs do you want to make that would require an access panel?
You have access to the pickup.
You have access to the control pots and output jack through the F hole.
That is how they installed those items after the body was complete.
If you don't know how to get at them.. ask a luthier, it will be cheaper than asking one to cut a semi-hollow body and fabricate an access panel
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What repairs do you want to make that would require an access panel?
You have access to the pickup.
You have access to the control pots and output jack through the F hole.
That is how they installed those items after the body was complete.
If you don't know how to get at them ask a luthier, it will be cheaper than asking one to cut holes in and semi-hollow body and fabricate an access panel
Mainly the output jack. I lack the tools and dexterity to work through the F hole. If I ever get another hollowbody it'll be a Lakland. I like the tone, but mainly for the access panel. Thanks for your feedback.
I have a local store with a great tech. He's far better than I am at this stuffand worth the money. I have two custom built semi hollows with access panels with great acoustics, but they were designed from the beginning to have panels.

Actually, this is response is totally unhelpful. My bad.
Never mind me.
Hope such a mod doesn't affect the tone too much.

Thanks. I hadn't considered that. I like the tone and am not about to sacrifice it.
To answer this question, cutting an access hole and adding its attendant cover will not affect the tone of the JC bass. It is a semi-hollow bass with a solid center block running down the middle length of it. If you want the access, cut with confidence regarding tone.
Not a bad idea, all it would take is some very careful drill and jigsaw work. Would make one of my projects that I need to get back to substantially easier.
Not a bad idea, all it would take is some very careful drill and jigsaw work.
There have been semi-hollow bodied basses/guitars for 50 years that have had successful repairs/replacement parts installed without the need to use a jigsaw on back of the body.
If the work is beyond the ability of the owner of the instrument, then asking another person to step in and do the work is the right idea.
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There have been semi-hollow bodied basses/guitars for 50 years that have had successful repairs/replacement parts installed without the need to use a jigsaw on back of the body.
If the work is beyond the ability of the owner of the instrument, then asking another person to step in and do the work is the right idea.
Sure, not disagreeing with that either, I have the tools for doing the work without cutting. But the idea of designing and building a semi with a well integrated access panel is still interesting.
I would refer all repairs to a tech.

I just had my Jackbass repaired: New output jack, tighten volume and tone pots, complete set up and a new set of strings. $165.00 tax included.

For $165.00, it's like brand new. This is the first money I put into this bass in 16 years.

It's so worth it to have someone who really knows what they're doing repair something for you.
