Why is it that there are but a few people that don't understand what Jeff is saying, or find it illogical? Jeff may not have put his thoughts into words perfectly, but I find nothing illogical about what he's saying. What I don't understand is the relevance of how few people have taken lessons from Jeff. If anything, by saying that far more people are taking slap lessons, you're proving his point. People spending lots of money to learn how to slap is basically people wasting their money. There are tons of things that can't be learned on one's own. Think you could learn laparoscopic knee surgery on your own? Brain surgery? Rocket science? Slapping isn't rocket science by the way. It's thumping and pulling on the strings of a bass. Once you watch someone do it, and then listen to song syou like that employ that technique, you're on your way. No money spent.
I would say that hardly anyone who learns slap from a teacher goes on to be a teacher themselves, so I think most of the teachers that give slap lessons are self taught, and they are charging money to try and teach it to other people when that's not necessary.
The above is a statement. I see no contradiction.
That's simply not true. It's more than a few people that see the issues. Some probably don't want to bother banging their head as usual. I had some free time.
Explain how learning how to slap is a waste of money... because Jeff thinks they should teach themselves instead? Because the teachers are self-taught makes no sense. It's not like there's a certification process for students or teachers.