The reason you're getting a lot of "buy something that's already in a store" responses is because with today's technology you can almost surely get whatever sound it is you're looking for. Many other people have already done the experimentation and the science, so there's usually no point in trying to re-invent the wheel. For example, you're free to try to make a good square wheel, but that's already been tried and rejected. If you need a wheel, just go buy a round one.... it’s a shame my questions often get “buy something that’s already in a store” as a response, instead of something a bit more enlightening. though i do understand why people would say that, because modern bass technology is obviously going to better than what i’m attempting even though that’s sort of the whole point. as long as i don’t blow something up, that is.
Those guys in the 60s that you seem to be idolizing were still experimenting, and trying to make the best out of what they had available at the time. Today we can all benefit of the results of all their research, and the scientific developments behind modern cabinet designs, and just buy the stuff we like.