I've owned almost 30 Rics in the last 40 years from a 72 up to one made within the last 10 years and may buy a new 4003S soon, I've have had none of those problems, never had a paint problem, no major tail lift, (got a 1979 4001 and a 1985 4003FL right now with no tail lift) intonation is right on and I've NEVER had intonation problems on any of them, most of those problems are due to operator error. I've heard of some paint problems recently but have never seen it. Rics at least the old 4001's are like high end sports cars, you need to learn how to work on them, tune them up etc. Rics sometimes take a little patience to get accustomed to if you are coming from say a Fender, some people just don't have the patience and sell them and then bash them for years afterward and it becomes a mantra for some people. I'm not saying that Rickenbacker has always made perfect instruments, no, but then again neither has Fender, or Gibson. As far as buying a fake, not for this guy, I can definitely understand why Rickenbacker goes after fakes, maybe if Fender had copywritten the Precision or Jazz bass shape and pickup(s) instead of just the headstock and had gone after fakes like Ric does there would be no generic P or J basses around like there are now. I am happy that Rickenbacker goes after them, they are no generic "Ric" basses, Rics are unique basses and if you want one that sounds like one, looks like one and plays like one you have to buy a real one which to me is the way it should be and is why there are copyright laws.