He should add that they also have to help load in and out...
Who is this "Mike", and where can I buy him?And buy their own damn mike...
He may get ZERO women responding because of the tone of his ad. It's not just what you say but HOW you say it.I give the man five stars for telling it like it is.
He may get less women responding to that ad but the ones that don't respond are the ones he didn't want anyway.
And buy their own damn mike...
Catapult's vocalist owns his own PA, and both a mic for recording and a different one for shows (SM-7B and SM-58, respectively). Because he's serious about what he's doing.I never understood why more vocalists don't buy their own damned mic. My partner is an amazing singer, and she spent a lot of time going through different mics until she found the one that works best for her voice (which is a Sennheiser). (Not unlike what we go through with our bass gear, really.) She keeps it clean and insists on using it whenever she gigs. Compare that to using whatever beat-to-hell SM58 the club owns along with whatever food, beer, and what-have-you has been sprayed all over the never-cleaned windscreen. And with all that crap sprayed out of other people's mouths, they'll still go and put their mouths right up against it and then wonder why they've come down with typhus or the plague two days later and can't sing the next gig.
Wow, does he want some cheese with that whine?
Not very professional IMHO.
He may get ZERO women responding because of the tone of his ad. It's not just what you say but HOW you say it.