I'm 44, and have yet to have a Facebook account...for that matter,
any social media account...
I suppose young 'uns might consider me an "old fogey" or something - hell, maybe even people plus/minus my age might consider me one - but here's the thing: I am a bit of a news/information junkie, so between that, e-mail, general web surfing, etc., I spend enough damn time online/on my computer (something I intend to change real soon), that
I really don't need/want to add social media to the mix.
(Actually, I just realized, I technically
did have a social media account in the form of Google Plus, back when Google decided to
force that stupidity upon us...but they dropped the ball on that, as evidenced by the fact that it totally flopped and has been done away with...
In 2010 I was visiting a relative who, knowing that I wasn't on the 'Book, invited me to sit down at her computer and check out things on
her Facebook...the next thing I knew, three hours had passed, because we knew so many of the same people, and I'd click on those people's pages, and find
more people that I knew, it just became endless which, of course, is exactly what Zuckerberg et al. want...
- Decided then and there that I would likely never sign up, and so far that's been the case...
I think the one case where I
might have to seriously consider social media would be if I were to ever start my own business...but even then, it might depend on the
type of business, and I'd only create an account(s) if I thought it would drastically increase my revenues.