Off Facebook for 2 months

I reluctantly joined FB back in January because I had some photos and stories to share from my time in the Air Force in the 70s (served in Thailand). Also some work- related stuff from the 80s. After sharing the photos etc and chitchatting with a couple of people I knew from that time, it has dropped off the radar. Nothing in common with any of those people today to chat about on a daily or even monthly basis. Everyone scatters to the winds. I certainly don’t want to discuss current events or politics or anything like that with anyone via FB.
Social media appeals to narcissists.
Quite often, it’s a platform to spout of your theories, feelings, politics, philosophies-
It’s also a place to show people how ‘awesome’ Your life is.
It’s actually a great idea on paper; FB, that is.
But the reality is no one ever really hooks up or contacts those old friends. It’s fascinating really that the technology is there, but it doesn’t function like you’d think it would in the real world.

Some day, there may be another social platform, where people can wear virtual reality goggles and sit in the same room that way. I also think that's the future of concerts and parties, except for those people who are making a renewed effort to connect in the real world.
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I will admit, the Detroit Rock scene 1960's Early 1970's is an incredible page with 1st hand accounts of live concerts, excellent pics and/or scratchy videos of Hendrix, live at Cobo Hall or Eric Clapton at some basement Blues Club. The WHO at a high school gymnasium. That kinda stuff.

The WABX page is also good for reminiscing of the halcyon days of early LP FM radio in Detroit.
I'm 44, and have yet to have a Facebook account...for that matter, any social media account...

I suppose young 'uns might consider me an "old fogey" or something - hell, maybe even people plus/minus my age might consider me one - but here's the thing: I am a bit of a news/information junkie, so between that, e-mail, general web surfing, etc., I spend enough damn time online/on my computer (something I intend to change real soon), that I really don't need/want to add social media to the mix.

(Actually, I just realized, I technically did have a social media account in the form of Google Plus, back when Google decided to force that stupidity upon us...but they dropped the ball on that, as evidenced by the fact that it totally flopped and has been done away with...:roflmao::smug::hyper::thumbsup:)

In 2010 I was visiting a relative who, knowing that I wasn't on the 'Book, invited me to sit down at her computer and check out things on her Facebook...the next thing I knew, three hours had passed, because we knew so many of the same people, and I'd click on those people's pages, and find more people that I knew, it just became endless which, of course, is exactly what Zuckerberg et al. want...:meh: - Decided then and there that I would likely never sign up, and so far that's been the case...

I think the one case where I might have to seriously consider social media would be if I were to ever start my own business...but even then, it might depend on the type of business, and I'd only create an account(s) (maybe) if I thought it would drastically increase my revenues.
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I'm 44, and have yet to have a Facebook account...for that matter, any social media account...

I suppose young 'uns might consider me an "old fogey" or something - hell, maybe even people plus/minus my age might consider me one - but here's the thing: I am a bit of a news/information junkie, so between that, e-mail, general web surfing, etc., I spend enough damn time online/on my computer (something I intend to change real soon), that I really don't need/want to add social media to the mix.

(Actually, I just realized, I technically did have a social media account in the form of Google Plus, back when Google decided to force that stupidity upon us...but they dropped the ball on that, as evidenced by the fact that it totally flopped and has been done away with...:roflmao::smug::hyper::thumbsup:)

In 2010 I was visiting a relative who, knowing that I wasn't on the 'Book, invited me to sit down at her computer and check out things on her Facebook...the next thing I knew, three hours had passed, because we knew so many of the same people, and I'd click on those people's pages, and find more people that I knew, it just became endless which, of course, is exactly what Zuckerberg et al. want...:meh: - Decided then and there that I would likely never sign up, and so far that's been the case...

I think the one case where I might have to seriously consider social media would be if I were to ever start my own business...but even then, it might depend on the type of business, and I'd only create an account(s) if I thought it would drastically increase my revenues.
Yeah, it's that Talkbass thing that sucks my time now....:laugh:

It's not social media because there are so many anti-social people hanging out here.:roflmao:
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Congratulations man. I kicked it about 2 years ago and to this day, it’s one of the healthiest things I’ve ever done for myself. I realize that it’s intentions are good, but I honestly believe it’s one of the vilest things on the net. People just say and do whatever they feel like with no regard for truth or respect for others. That’s not how we ought to interact as human beings.

The only things I miss are classified ads, and following a few businesses that only have Facebook pages.
Facebook has become politibook.
It's not even a resemblance of what it was.

I haven't deleted my account, but only look once in awhile and it usually isn't a healthy experience.

Too much drama ,politics ,mystery posts etc...

The thing that drives me crazy is the "OMG WHAT A TERRIBLE DAY ,CANT BELIEVE IT!"
then crickets.
Not that I care ,but it's a game people play . I dont throw the ball back.
If you want to air your grievances then do so or shut up.

Facebook is toxic and has contributed greatly to the decline of our society.
I've never let it take over my life, therefore it remains just a useful tool I use to communicate with people. If there are friends who's political opinions I find ridiculous, I hide them. I report fake news and so on. It's a relatively simple thing. I don't fill out the profile beyond high school, military service, and current employer. Trust me any info to be gleaned off those has already long been sold by the govt, your employer, your healthcare provider, etc. I like being able to quickly communicate with relatives in England. I like being able to see pictures that my friends from the Navy take of their families. Those people were like family when I was in. Do you realize how much time it would take to individually contact each and every one of those people by email or snail mail? Now THAT would take over my life! At the end of the day social media is like any other thing in life. If you use it properly, it works just fine. Unpopular opinion here but if it takes over a person's life or it influences someone because they clicked on a website called ", that says as much about the user as the website. Facebook is destroying society? Perhaps it is more accurate to say that idiots and gullible dumbasses are destroying society. "I clicked on an obviously fake news story, and then believed every word. Damn you Facebook!"

Its actually funny in a weird way. A foreign power used social media to influence an election and instead of people being appalled that such a large portion of our population are stupid and gullible beyond belief, they get mad at the internet. That's like blaming your car for allowing you to get drunk and kill two pedestrians. Like I said its probably an unpopular opinion. Its comforting to believe that getting rid of social media would solve all our ills. But there was domestic terrorism before the internet. There was bullying before the internet. The seeds of partisan politics and poor education were planted long before social media. And that Facebook user's addictive personality was there before Mark Zuckerberg.

Sorry for the long post.
I've never let it take over my life, therefore it remains just a useful tool I use to communicate with people. If there are friends who's political opinions I find ridiculous, I hide them. I report fake news and so on. It's a relatively simple thing. I don't fill out the profile beyond high school, military service, and current employer. Trust me any info to be gleaned off those has already long been sold by the govt, your employer, your healthcare provider, etc. I like being able to quickly communicate with relatives in England. I like being able to see pictures that my friends from the Navy take of their families. Those people were like family when I was in. Do you realize how much time it would take to individually contact each and every one of those people by email or snail mail? Now THAT would take over my life! At the end of the day social media is like any other thing in life. If you use it properly, it works just fine. Unpopular opinion here but if it takes over a person's life or it influences someone because they clicked on a website called ", that says as much about the user as the website. Facebook is destroying society? Perhaps it is more accurate to say that idiots and gullible dumbasses are destroying society. "I clicked on an obviously fake news story, and then believed every word. Damn you Facebook!"

Its actually funny in a weird way. A foreign power used social media to influence an election and instead of people being appalled that such a large portion of our population are stupid and gullible beyond belief, they get mad at the internet. That's like blaming your car for allowing you to get drunk and kill two pedestrians. Like I said its probably an unpopular opinion. Its comforting to believe that getting rid of social media would solve all our ills. But there was domestic terrorism before the internet. There was bullying before the internet. The seeds of partisan politics and poor education were planted long before social media. And that Facebook user's addictive personality was there before Mark Zuckerberg.

Sorry for the long post.
I totally agree with you ....and I found it very useful...and only used it for what I believe to be relevant to me and useful tools......However....My point is , that since I have stopped spending a portion of my day following stress has reduced somewhat.......It was just throwing gasoline on my already burning fires

Flame on :bassist:
I totally agree with you ....and I found it very useful...and only used it for what I believe to be relevant to me and useful tools......However....My point is , that since I have stopped spending a portion of my day following stress has reduced somewhat.......It was just throwing gasoline on my already burning fires

Flame on :bassist:

Sorry I'm not trying to flame anyone in particular. This thread is very similar to another thread that was going a few days ago and many of the posts in this thread are similar. A lot of blaming the tool and not the user so to speak. I'm certainly not jumping on anyone who is reducing their time spent on Facebook, I'm merely pointing out that the inevitable "this website is evil" posts that always accompanies these threads are IMO off base.
Yes. It's been two years since I requested to have my account deleted. I didn't like all of the politics and hatred being spewed from a lot of friends. So, I downloaded all of my photos, and requested a deletion, which is a different than being disabled. Plus, Zuckerberg was in the news a lot for being a scummy business owner that wouldn't take responsibility for things, and I no longer wanted to be a part of it. Never looked back. It's hard to stay connected to family and friends without it though.
I guess there's a FB page out there with my name on it still. I disabled it, but didn't delete it. There wasn't a whole lot there to begin with. I hadn't been on for a long time when it was disabled, and the exact date is foggy. It's just not very important. No Instagram, no FB, none of the other ones, whatever they are. I read a paper newspaper, read economics blogs, and waste time on Talkbass. Other than that, it's humans, in person, and blissful ignorance about whatever the latest big, breathless stir might be. I don't need a bunch of pompous talking heads trying to interpret anything, don't need half baked conspiracies, don't need whatever goofy outrage some bot cranked out, and sure don't need to get all wound up about what some relatively powerless person says about something that somebody is trying to use to gin up support for something else entirely. All that nonsense is on FB, so who needs it!
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Facebook is destroying society? Perhaps it is more accurate to say that idiots and gullible dumbasses are destroying society. "I clicked on an obviously fake news story, and then believed every word. Damn you Facebook!"

That's like blaming your car for allowing you to get drunk and kill two pedestrians.
To be sure I hate both people AND Facebook :smug:
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... A lot of blaming the tool and not the user so to speak. I'm certainly not jumping on anyone who is reducing their time spent on Facebook, I'm merely pointing out that the inevitable "this website is evil" posts that always accompanies these threads are IMO off base.

There's a middle ground there, though, which is where I think a lot of people are coming from. Many people see "social" media as a set of tools that enable people to act like idiots in ways that they would never do IRL in a face to face setting. I don't think that the tools are necessarily evil, but I do think they tend to bring out the absolute worst in many people, and I prefer to deal with people who aren't full of digital courage and looking to affect others from the "safety" of their lack of physical proximity.
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