My Dad is. Despite his best efforts, it didn't really take with me, but I had some fun times tagging along while he did it. He got into a pretty heavy art/drawing/painting phase for awhile and trout were a pretty prevalent theme...he did some pretty cool christmas cards at one point that had a sort of ring of swimming trout drawn on them, like a trout wreath. Wish I had one handy to scan and post. Anyway, he spent a fair amount of time trying to capture the complexity of various trout coloration on paper with various art media, and I knew he'd see that super-detailed and textured paintjob and dig the hell out it.
That's too cool. I love hearing about artistic people who use their talents for their own pleasure. Please tell your dad I read about his Christmas cards and said, "Atta boy!"
Also tell him, "Tight lines!"
I think all of this means you need to have a bass re-painted as a trout!!!