Post your old/stupid band pics!! (the more embarrassing the better) Part 2!

Coney Island Whitefish '78 bedroom rehearsal pose.
Another post gig pic, this time with Cobbler's Thumb at the (sadly defunct) The Peacock on Maiden Lane in London. 1993/4-ish? Me on the right... with hair. God, I loved that shirt! :D
Thanks to the chap on the left (then on guitar but now turned to the light side) for sending the photo.
Cheers, Bob! :thumbsup:
Cobbler's Thumb.jpg
Not sure how stupid or silly this is but here it is anyways. Yes, we were all hanging off that gate. This picture was taken in Yuma, AZ at the famous Yuma Territorial Prison. My band at that time was White Noise. We had traveled to Yuma from Phoenix to play a gig at MCAS (marine corps air station) Yuma at the enlisted club there on the base. It was always a rowdy time whenever we played there. Marines definitely know how to party, no question about it.

Lol! Your photo reminded me of the few times my group played at the club for the enlisted personnel at Mather AFB -Sacramento, Ca. in the early 80s. We were always in their schedule rotation. (we had two female lead singers. :laugh: )

The flyboys had a curious way of showing their appreciation. They would “gently” toss whole 6-packs of beer, unopened and still in the plastic ring holder, on stage. :roflmao: Wish I had photos of it.
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Very similar experience at the old MCAS at El Toro California in the early ‘70s. We were 20 years old at the time but the pitchers of beer and pizzas kept coming until the end of the night when the fighting started and the MPs showed up.

There was a lady at the snack bar Inside the club who would always call out the orders that were ready in between songs while we were playing. I got where I can imitate that Lady's voice pretty good and sometimes in between songs I would jump out with number 1 number 6 number 8 your orders are ready. I would do it so fast that she wouldn't have time to call hers out because she would be too busy telling numbers 1 6 and 8 that their orders were not ready.

One time there was a guy sitting at a table in front of us in the first row away from the stage and I cannot believe to this day that I saw this but this did actually happen. The guy was drinking draft beers and when he was done with the beer he would smash the glass on the table and eat the broken pieces of glass. He would continue to break them till they were in very small pieces and then woof then down!

His friends who were with him at the table said that he was a mechanic at Motor T and always did weird stuff like that, and also ate nuts and bolts. The only thing he would leave was the thick heavy bottom of the beer glass. I don't know how anyone could do that. But I did see that with my own eyes. The bar quit serving him in glass cups after he ate the first three. Then they switched to plastic cups after that. Like I said Marines KNOW how to party.

At MCAS it was always a two night gig Friday and Saturday . One Friday night we all got a bit too wasted and got into a skirmish. Not only with each other but with some other Marines who were on deployment at the base. It got pretty heated they called the MP's, who arrived quickly, busted up the fighting, and escorted everyone involved off of the base. When we got to the MCAS Main Gate for the Saturday performance we were given a strong verbal warning from the guards to not cause any trouble. Although they were smiling and joking with us as they let us pass.

Upon arrival to the club there was a huge crowd of Marines standing outside of the door to the enlisted club. All of whom wanted to come and see the band who they heard was so rowdy that they had to be escorted off of the base. It was standing room only inside and if somebody left you couldn't get back in they would let somebody else come in. When the group outside saw us pull up and get out of the vehicle to start to come into the club, it was like the parting of the Red Sea with all of the Marines and naval personnel moving aside to create a path for us to go through to enter the club. The duty manager that night told me after we were done that they had the best night in sales that they had ever had in the history of the club. He was happy about that but he did say if we ever came back again to please not get into any fights. The memories are great LOL