So I had promised a final analysis of this particular kit.
I really want to be a bit guarded. Sadly, it will be my last kit from this company for reasons I will share.
First, let me say there were positives and I really like what I cam up with in the end. I believe it is a really unique bass with a decent sound and a lot of available various tones. The wood was pretty decent. Ordering it had been a challenge since it was out of stock for awhile. This guitar is HEAVY that is not the fault of the compnay which offers it!
Here are some of the problems I encountered from start to finish
This kit was priced very fairly but i did have to pay shipping, I have not paid shipping on other kits (it came a day early and the packaging was great)
I was shorted the following items in the kit:
- Pick guard screws
- Neck bushings (instead I was sent a fender style neck screws and plate which will NOT work on this neck)
These couple of items made the kit hard to assemble and it needed a lot of tweaking, including cutting metal!
I had to order both pickguard screws and a neck bolt kit
When the bridge was mounted at the appropriate scale distance and the pick ups were installed, the pickguard overlapped the "extra" metal on the bridge by nearly 1/2 inch! I removed, cut, and shaped the metal bridge but it will likely rust at some point.
There was no hole drilled for the bridge ground. In the end, it was not that big a deal, I drilled one before I put the bridge on BUT then when I had to cut the bridge down, I exposed the hole and was pretty upset.
I held off on my final review until I had time to contact, and appropriate time was given for a response from BYOG. I let them know about the missing/wrong parts. I waited a week but, sadly, got no response.
In the end, this is a decent kit but required me to spend additional money AND I had to cut and shape metal. That in addition to a current lack of response when i had issues makes me less likely to purchase another kit from the same vendor.
I've done enough kits at this point that I am ready to set out on my own. . . .it's been fun but it is time for the next step!Hope this information is helpful to somebody!